Mintaka wrote:Marine Assault Ship
(This was mentioned in an earlier thread)
It would allow attacking players to destroy a single enemy building. One level of a structure, so it could knock a Metal mine down from level 20 to level 19 for instance. It would be moderately expensive, allowing for the assault personnel and vehicles aboard -- perhaps 200K metal, 60K crystal, 40K deut. It would have to survive all 6 rounds of combat before being able to assault the planet / moon.
Assault missions would not harvest any resources for the attacking player. Their sole purpose would be to knock out key enemy installations.
Used against an undeveloped colony, it would eliminate the colony -- a way to clear a planet slot for colonization, or just to sweep little farm planets from the universe.
If the assault ship survives, it has a 70% chance of successfully destroying something. 35% Attacker's choice, 35% random defense structure.
this would have guys quitting the game in huge numbers once alliances decided to jump guys that give them trouble, its ok when you think of losing 1 building but what happens when you get jumped by a few guys that are all trying to take your infrostructure down, losing 3 or 4 nanite factory's would set you back weeks or even months and there is no reason they would stop there if your top structures are all worth millions of rescources, the risk of losing all the fleet and defences you've spent months building is bad enough..