I'll preface this post by saying that I'm honestly not trying to give you a hard time Zorg, I'm just not sugar coating what I think or what I see. I'm not giving dire predictions of doom and gloom if X or Y is not done soon but there are legitimate gripes that have been brought forward to inaction and neglect. You can see for yourself in the posts on the forums that I'm not the only one by a long shot who feels like nothing will happen.
Well most of what you've named off quite honestly I get the feeling no one is interested in. Facebook integration for new players? Great, the player base is concerned about retention of new players and something fresh or at least some annoyances fixed. Please don't go quoting skewed numbers of new accounts created now that you're dropping new newbie accounts (In Extreme anyway) to allow them to go inactive.
account switching feature, I'll give you that.. it's cool. Biggest problem is no one really trusts what it says though so since it's Achilles heel is that they have to send you an email basically telling you Hey! I Switched accounts!... sorry to say that was a waste of time. Points for the idea though.
Report/block PMs feature.. that was good. Just to play the devil's advocate in the argument though.... most every other game had that at launch.... not 5? years in.
The rest of your list you will (and rightly so) say that the player base has no reason to see the details of.
So you essentially leave us with... hey we did some stuff... secret stuff but trust us it was done!
I can think of at least 1 post where you said something was going to happen by X time and wow it still has not happened. Just stick to what you say and I won't have a gripe, say hey we'll get to it when we get to it... I'm happy!
You come across as really disorganized when you say one thing and another happens.
Perfect example... Speed options 1-100%.
During the discussion for it you come out like the companion of the players.. if it's a burden then it must go!
Implemented in Mass.
Will be copied over to every other uni as soon as it is verified bug free.
Well it needs to have a post by the players requesting it now
Posts made requesting it
Not even a Hi this is a nice thread here or well we changed our minds (Though you didn't because you put it in Generals and it's still in Mass last I checked)
That about sums up a lot of peoples feelings about the situation