Should you be able to go into vacation with fleet on air ?

Total votes: 40 (75%)
Total votes: 10 (19%)
I don't care.
Total votes: 3 (6%)
Total votes: 53

Re: V-mode cure all.

Istalris wrote:
Seriously guys, leaving it in the current mess is damaging the game beyond all previous measures, I'm sure everyone who has a fleet (except the players who are too big to care) will agree with me here.
I have been screaming since RF came out and rips got buffed what an injustice this was.When your top ranked player is screaming at the top his lungs the balance is gone and all those zero loss CR's started floating in should not be happening with such small numbers, it was their choice to buck me and not listen.I told you how to stop me and still nothing was done.Closing in on 880,000 battleships and 85,000 destroyers to find 2k Rips pulverized them in 2 rounds was inconceivable in my eyes.All my change ideas might not have worked..sure probably not all but most would have..but doing nothing didnt help either.

So what was left to do..follow in SBT's foot steps ..make RiPs and roll with the cards dealt.Even got to the point where having all those dessies and BS was junk so they got salvaged into more rips..much like the ones the Istalris account has now.

But lets not be ignorant to think RiPS are the only reason people go into VM..i was back 2 hours crashed a fleet sittin on a moon and 5 minutes later he was VM..all without sending a single RiP.Over powered? H#ll yes they are,been saying that for over a year now,and to try and say the battle engine is messed up gets admin baitting warning.I'm in the field,been in the field for a long time and only you the player control the VM button.It is not that guys fault regardless of who he is that he crashed your ships,if you build them people will come from all over to take them away and will if you give them the window.

All those ToP 10 players you speak of with such dismay earned what they got by adjusting to the cards dealt by the game developers and sticking around.Regardless of what changes that are to come it wont stop the determined from rising to the top.The strong minded will survive,the rest wont and thus has been the cycle since these games started.

Another small note of interest...a game changing event just happened in this post and much like others made in past, unless someone happens to come to this specific thread to see chance % has been adjusted noone will know.

The topic was V-mode cure all,so who is gonna come looking here to see moon destroy and creation chances was changed?

Re: V-mode cure all.

Completely agree with your post, and this:
-Death- wrote:The strong minded will survive,the rest wont and thus has been the cycle since these games started. exactly what I mean. There are a few players I can think of from the top of my head, that, based on observations, most definitely would not retain their current rank if everything in the game was working as it should be. And, inversely, a lot of lower ranked players would be able to get the place they deserve.

Also, Zorg posted the update in Game Development topic as well, but an in game mail would be useful. (HINT :P )
When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: V-mode cure all.

Zorg wrote:Done

Moon chance now back at 19% aka 9800 max
Max moon destroy chance 99%

Ok so are you saying now that Fleeters are at a disadvantage and its more of advantage to turtle and run into VM.

Im sorry but no way should this of been inforced without VM being corrected at the same time.!!!

Re: V-mode cure all.

VMODE misfunctions are under development right now. Later today we will hopefully conclude everything related with VM.

In the end VMODE will look like this:
-You will not be able to enter VMODE if there are fleets in air
-Ship/building/defense/research production will freeze but you will still be able to enter VM if anything of this happens*
-Ship/defense production extension time bug will be fixed

*This should already happen but we are unsure and this is why we are currently testing to verify and act accordingly.
*We are not aware of any other VM issues.

Re: V-mode cure all.

We tried to ACS attack from Planet with Depot level 3. but every time we dispatch fleet to the invitee it creates a new mission rather joining in.

we are not sure why is that would appreciate if it is ON, then explain what we are doing wrong or fix it.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: V-mode cure all.

The problem with ACS will become clear once you have the sim up.

Not sure if you know this yet but maximum moon % destroy is still at 100%, I have a CR to prove it.
When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: V-mode cure all.

SPY wrote:We tried to ACS attack from Planet with Depot level 3. but every time we dispatch fleet to the invitee it creates a new mission rather joining in.

we are not sure why is that would appreciate if it is ON, then explain what we are doing wrong or fix it.
I am unsure if there is such a problem. How about creating a bug report ?
Istalris wrote:The problem with ACS will become clear once you have the sim up.

Not sure if you know this yet but maximum moon % destroy is still at 100%, I have a CR to prove it.
Again, which is the problem ? Sim calc is up in beta for some minutes now.
The % must be a typo, we will review and fix it within the hour.

Re: V-mode cure all.

*steps around moon pop argument*

Is taking IPM's while in V-mode still around?I found this to be a major issue.
Gale points:ummm to far behind to care and too long since I got one to remember

That which is written without effort is usually read without enjoyment.