Re: ban one man alliances from rankings

So you got 3... Against all the one man alliances out there. Nothing wrong with em I say, I personally don't like seeing an alliance in the top10 just because it has 100 members in it. Id put a max cap on alliances before I put a minimum on them.
Xtreme Uni - Zorgon1

Standard Uni - Zorgon1

Speed Uni - Swerg

Massacre Uni - Pokemon_Master

Phear me o_O

Re: ban one man alliances from rankings

I don't like the idea of having to get a charter. I do however think that an alliance should have more than 1 person in it. The solution that I like best is to give 1 man alliances 3 days to acquire another member. After three days the alliance will automatically be dissolved if it does not have more than one member. To prevent people from creating an alliance again as soon as theirs is dissolved a cap on how frequently an individual can start an alliance would fix that problem, I suggest no more than one/week and 2/month.
Those with nothing to loose have the most to gain. Long live the Miner!