Re: -=new fighter class ship=-

SPY, i like the idea of limiting ships to points, but this point value would have to be reconsidered as the stronger players get even stronger, hence my suggestion of a ship which doesn't gain from techs possibly, just provide a 75-125% boost from the start?

assuming we cannot be cruel with names like 'noob fighter'... it is lighter than a light fighter, in fact it can barely be called a fighter, maybe something along the lines of "cargo escort"?

Re: -=new fighter class ship=-

I can really make this type of ship class very complicated. but i do not have much faith in ze programmers to be able to manufacture any more complicated paradigm than what they already have in ze.

now having said that, i think the ship is basically for noobs for farther protection. its a dangerous thing tho. if not used properly they will still be a big target for heavy hitters.

So my name suggestion would be "Noobian Class Cruiser"
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: -=new fighter class ship=-

We don't need more ships,
what we need is better control of the fleet we now have,

Lets say Zorg implements "Atomic Bombers"
then the Miners / Turtles are going to demand "Atomic Cannons"
as a determent

then we get "Gravation Cannons"
and the fleeters will demand even a larger ship to war against these
and the list goes on and on and on and on,

Far better Zorg makes the changes that enduce more
"Player - vs - Player" competition
rather than giving us more and more weapons / fleet

just my "Not so Humble Opinion"
