Re: MyPlus addition - Colony move

Nuada wrote:
This would remove opportunity costs to roamers. I am not in favor.
what opportunity costs ?

thats why if implemented it should cost at least 250 rubies and have a 48hr+ delay and probably an "earth/moonquake" penalty....

surely a "roamer" costs a minimum of 20 rubies anyway ( instant build for jg on moon)
and may cost the 250 for a new moon...
Just S N A R L & LEAP

"to crush your enemies, to see them fall at your feet -- to take their horses and goods and hear the lamentation of their women. That is best." G.K.

Re: MyPlus addition - Colony move

for 5000 rubies u can shift your planet. for 7000 rubies u can shift your main.

after buying it will take 7 days to shift ur planet. then for month u cannot shift.

PS: a question, which slots are goign to be available to move into? closer slots are always hotter and farther ones are colder. also farther ones are usually bigger than closer slots. so if i take my slot 14 planet to slot 1 what happens?
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: MyPlus addition - Colony move

Bad idea. I can think of a few big miners I wouldn't mind having permanent, fully developed bases right on top of and I'm sure I'm not the only one. It would kill large, no fleet or small fleet, or low activity players with big mines.
still fail to see what your point is ... if you find a mark with large poorly defended resources then you will tend to establish a base in that vicinity... whether thats a roamer or a fully developed planet depends on your circumstances... if the miner doesn't like it he can move too....

overall no real effect on the game, a few extra rubies for zorg...
Just S N A R L & LEAP

"to crush your enemies, to see them fall at your feet -- to take their horses and goods and hear the lamentation of their women. That is best." G.K.

Re: MyPlus addition - Colony move

spy who is your comment addressed to ?

i am in favour of allowing the planetary movement subject to penalties....

and yes i am very aware of how long it takes to build... , which is why IT SHOULD BE STRESSED that LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION is the most important factor in planetary placement....
Just S N A R L & LEAP

"to crush your enemies, to see them fall at your feet -- to take their horses and goods and hear the lamentation of their women. That is best." G.K.

Re: MyPlus addition - Colony move

SPY wrote:have you any idea how long it takes to build a planet? of size 36 33 33 levels of mines?

the answer to this is 5 hours (or less) and 120 rubies with 40 used to instant build lvl 8 nanite..know cause i just did it not to long ago.So with that i saved rubies if his suggestion went live.

Not for or against it but really what i am reading from the public is they don't "want" to have to work to find your planet again.It cant be to worry about being hit cause a 2 day lock down gives you plenty of time to get your goodies out of dodge.And the way it is wrote in the original post is this is a 1 time move.
So with that once its moved the option to relocate a planet is lost much like the ruby moon purchase is lost after a moon is assigned to a colony for that said planet.I.E. most times this option could be used in extreme is 21 11 in speed and so on.

I myself see no real issue with it but the coding to be able to relocate opens security issues in the data system.To have the option to type in relocation requires administrative type powers.

For sure one the freshest ideas i seen in awhile but having had admins powers elsewhere and know how coding works this option would be securable on that side of the business...after all this is a business!

Re: MyPlus addition - Colony move

here is a good issue.

after developping all my planets i will move them next to gozar and make him my pal and then only have roamers outside. and keep gozar as my shield guard for my cluster of 400+ planets on all the slots.

i honestly dont see where is the need for this idea. how wd you say it takes for a player who doesnt use ruby for insta builds? (doesnt cannot wouldnt)
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.