Re: Zorg rubies

Actually, I think this idea could have some potential, however only in certain times. Not every day or anything, however, it would be interesting if there were "holiday sales" or some such set-up that allow a cheaper purchase of a small ruby option at special dates. Maybe even a "first time low rate" on a small ruby option as the majority of rubies bought I assume are repeat buyers. The result of course being that more people would try the rubies out just to see what they are like, and of course, once someone has tried your product, they will come back for more when you set it back to a normal price IF they like their returns. Giving more people a chance to see if they would like to use rubies via first hand experience gives the potential of more players purchasing rubies occasionally as a result. I think of course there are tweaks needed for this to become realistic however, a lot of other games I have seen or heard of have similar programs that do work.
Death begins with life's first breath, and life begins at the touch of death.

Re: Zorg rubies

Choke wrote:There was a sale last Christmas I believe..get 50% more rubies for the same price
That was exactly the type of thing I was referring to, although I was not aware that they already did it :lol:
Death begins with life's first breath, and life begins at the touch of death.

Re: Zorg rubies

i would drop 50E right this second if i got 50% more on purchase. what about some other new things to like new things to spend rubies on. maybe 25% decrease in research cost next 24h or 50% increase to all ship speeds next 24h