Cost Scaling of the Fusion Reactor

Hey all, I'd like to make a simple but important suggestion regarding energy. Since the cost scaling of the Fusion Reactor is 2x, and the low energy produced by Solar Plants, combining that with the low max field count of planets in Speed, it has made the players have to rely on Solar Satellites as a main power source when building a strong infrastructure.

I think that players should always have the option to rely on ground based energy that cannot be randomly destroyed by players. At the moment that is pretty much economically unviable.

With all this being said, it is my simple suggestion to reduce the cost scaling of the Fusion Reactor from 2x to 1.8x. This will make it much more viable to use Fusion Reactors as a good power source and ease the bonds that are being put on heavy miners to use Solar Satellites for their permanent energy.
When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Cost Scaling of the Fusion Reactor

I agree whole-heartedly, on extremely cold planets it takes a truck load of solsats toget the energy neede and solar plants are very expensive for the energy they give in later stages.
The alternative is to build fusion reactors but after just 15 levels they become too expensive as well, even with energy tech 15 (which isn't that cheap to get as well >.>)
"Turtling in a speed universe is like spreading air on toast" Istalris 2010

Re: Cost Scaling of the Fusion Reactor

Pretty much what they said, Im already going the way of the ss, as plants are becoming heluva expensive and my energy tech is not that high yet. With this I will make fusions a large part of my empire :P
Xtreme Uni - Zorgon1

Standard Uni - Zorgon1

Speed Uni - Swerg

Massacre Uni - Pokemon_Master

Phear me o_O