Why when my fleet is in mission my points in ranking are going down?
On ranking board it is possible to see when will be next acualization ?
Re: raking actualisation
#2The admins already plan to make it so that fleet points count no matter the location (in the air or on the ground) it is just a matter of time until it is changed.
Those with nothing to loose have the most to gain. Long live the Miner!
Re: raking actualisation
#4TheLegendFishpond wrote:In fact when will this change??
Zorg wrote:It depends on developing speed. Right now the rank update issue is before the newspaper feature development in priorities list and there are many many things, including many player suggestions, above it.

Re: raking actualisation
#5Personally I think that there should be some way that the little fleets can be off there because it will only make a checklist for all of the big fleets to chase. Unnoticed fleets are left relatively alone.