Terraformer - Zorg Physics improvements

Now that Zorg Physics is out in X-treme, I would like to make a suggestion about enhancing the Terraformer. Since the Terraformer relies on Energy and so does the Zorg Physics, I think that for each level of Zorg Physics that the efficiency of the Terraformer increases.

Something like the number of fields increases for every level of Zorg Physics achieved.

Hope this makes sense. Let me know if I need to clarify anything and I am open to modification to my suggestion. ;)

Re: Terraformer - Zorg Physics improvements

Sweet idea, would have to be something like +1 field for every third or fourth level of ZP though, or it'd completely change the fact that Terraformers are supposed to be a last resort and not a regular thing.
When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Terraformer - Zorg Physics improvements

I love the idea torgard
pupairo12 wrote:What about the terreformers that you already built? Will they get the boost?
I think they would have to get the bonus or else it would punish the high ranking players for already using the terraformer.
Istalris wrote:Sweet idea, would have to be something like +1 field for every third or fourth level of ZP though, or it'd completely change the fact that Terraformers are supposed to be a last resort and not a regular thing.
I also agree with this.
Last edited by love2scoobysnack on Thu Dec 23, 2010 8:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Those with nothing to loose have the most to gain. Long live the Miner!

Re: Terraformer - Zorg Physics improvements

So this is Something that would improve the efficiency of a terraformer.
I think the ratio of x[tech level] /3 x level of terraformer x existing 5.
so basically for every 3 levels gained of this tech you get one additional field per teraformer

Another option could be a more expensive per level one that gives 1 field per level but grows even more exponentially than the terraformer
Either option sounds great and the concept as just what zorg was wanting.
Gale points:ummm to far behind to care and too long since I got one to remember

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