Newbie Guides

If some experienced players would like to write a newbie guide, feel free to do so by creating a new topic in Help section of these forums.

The best one (in developers judgment) will get a direct link in the game menu.

Thank you

Re: Newbie Guides

Ok so from my experience you should get your Solar Plant at least to level 5 or Higher before you build any mines as the use plenty of energy. Then build them all evenly and keep leveling up Solar Plant as much as possible. Once you have them leveled up fairly well you want to start building your Robot Factory. (Remember, the Higher you get this the faster you build your buildings.) After you level up your Robot Factory to at least level 6, then start building your Shipyard. (The higher you build your shipyard the faster your ships will build.) You want to level all of these buildings up as high as possible. Now for ship production: this part will be crucial to building your empire as this will get your resources to build more of everything. Fleeters: you want to build as many cargoes as possible and raid inactives first off until you can start hitting active people. If you have properly leveld up your Shipyard you will be able to build better ships and therefore wuin raids. Be careful!!! Always scan before and and a few seconds before you attack! At the end of the day, ALWAYS fleetsave or your fleet will get crashed!! Miners, you will start the same way as fleeters and build cargoes, espionage...etc. but instead of building a huge fleet of will build majorly leveled up mines and sufficient defenses to protect it. Turtles; from what I have seen you are alot like miners except you build alot alot alot of defenses buildings and very little fleet. Thanks for reading and I hope this helps.
Darth Viper,
Stellar Primes