Re: Destroying/Abandoning a Homeworld

Venatores wrote:You must learn to go around the nooks and creaks.

Just get rid of the Solar satellite Completely, that should save you 20 fields.. maybe don't build many storage's, and no fusion reactor! missile solo level 2 instead of a higher level.

Maybe don't build ACS depot high.. That will help your homeworld out on building spots
Firstly, I'm gonna take it that you meant to get rid of "Solar Plants" since getting rid of solar satailites wouldn't give you ANY more room at all... Since they are a ship...

Secondly, you should never build more than a single level on the ACS depot... You only need a lvl 1 for an unlimited amount of ships to ACS defend you...

Thirdly, missile lvl 2s are also all that's needed, since you can build 20 APMs at that level, and since IPMing somebody is pretty much usesless... It's not cost effective compared to what ships cost, and it's a one-time usage, unlike ships. In fact, if everybody who uses IPMs would quit using them since they are a waste, then APMs would be useless, too...
Forum Moderator: The Illiterate One

10 Gale Points FTW

Zorg wrote:Ace is so much sexier than Acewoonder

Re: Destroying/Abandoning a Homeworld

Thirdly, missile lvl 2s are also all that's needed, since you can build 20 APMs at that level, and since IPMing somebody is pretty much usesless... It's not cost effective compared to what ships cost, and it's a one-time usage, unlike ships. In fact, if everybody who uses IPMs would quit using them since they are a waste, then APMs would be useless, too...
On the Contrary Ace, Missiles are VERY usefull in certian situations. Ferinstance when that nice big Miner/turtle goes inactive and has 12millinon rez on each of 20 planets. IPM his Shell away and Haul out the rez. Even if you dont have the fleet to bash away at his Def you can still crak the egg. And with a nice SY and Nan You can make and fire em fast. Admitedly it is not so good against 30k LL... but who knows, if his mines are high enough, and you got the deut to start, Plus a good weapon stat, you will probably still make a profit.

Re: Destroying/Abandoning a Homeworld

myrsee wrote:
Arariel wrote:I really don't think the advice of having all your energy from sats is good... imagine waking up to -40,000 energy.
And negative deut to go with it
I didn't say that. I said I was gonna take it as that's what he meant. Though I wouldn't build a solar plant past 28, 29, or 30. After that, the cost is just to outrageious to consider worth i5.

And the with the 1 time only use, the limited range, and the cost, I personally don't think a missile is worth much.
Forum Moderator: The Illiterate One

10 Gale Points FTW

Zorg wrote:Ace is so much sexier than Acewoonder