Re: Really New Ideas ?

Npc's planets.

I don't know if this has already been implented but what if npc's had there own planets rather than just fleets. If NPC's did have planets they could be called Mercury,Venus,Earth,Mars,Jupitor,Uranus,Neptune and Pluto. What i'm trying to say it would help if there's few players online. And it would be good anyway because of NPC's owning planets with real names. :)
We are the fururiestic Cavemen Time travellers of the past.


Re: Really New Ideas ?

what about Zorg having a fleet that would randomly attack certain areas/planets..the screen could shake as he went thru your system onto the next or turn red when was 5 minutes from attacking you. The fleets could vary in size from small to large randomly and could either be a good way to get resources from the defense or ultimate doom!!! Or maybe just random comets or asteroids hitting your planets or moons and causing certain damage based on the size, or possibly allowing you to scoop up the debris from the asteroids if they were small enough and got blown up by defenses

Re: Really New Ideas ?

Kind of a whacky idea. Ships that can go to other peoples moons and build on some kind of orbital strike system on them. These strikes would inflict quite a lot of damage to fleet/defences on the planet, but would take about a day to prepare. I think that it should show in the building que of that moon so the victim can cancel it. The ships should cost about 100k metal and crystal and 50k deuterium. It should require weapons tech 10, espionage tech 10, and shipyard 10. Obviously these are just ideas and you can pick and choose the good and bad parts.

Re: Really New Ideas ?

Mintaka wrote:Marine Assault Ship
(This was mentioned in an earlier thread)

It would allow attacking players to destroy a single enemy building. One level of a structure, so it could knock a Metal mine down from level 20 to level 19 for instance. It would be moderately expensive, allowing for the assault personnel and vehicles aboard -- perhaps 200K metal, 60K crystal, 40K deut. It would have to survive all 6 rounds of combat before being able to assault the planet / moon.

Assault missions would not harvest any resources for the attacking player. Their sole purpose would be to knock out key enemy installations.

Used against an undeveloped colony, it would eliminate the colony -- a way to clear a planet slot for colonization, or just to sweep little farm planets from the universe.

If the assault ship survives, it has a 70% chance of successfully destroying something. 35% Attacker's choice, 35% random defense structure.
Do not ban me for this but you'd destroy all your competions builds with the assaut ships. :cry:
Go ahead join, the USDF...

Re: Really New Ideas ?

alright heres a few allience related ones

maybe a chatroom for allience members so everyone can have a conversation,or an allience fourm for members of that allience alone.
an allience attack station for combined assults between two fleets in an allience,a custom map that shows the cords of all members and allied planets of the allience along with enemys.

Re: Really New Ideas ?

joshanddrew wrote:alright heres a few allience related ones

maybe a chatroom for allience members so everyone can have a conversation,or an allience fourm for members of that allience alone.
an allience attack station for combined assults between two fleets in an allience,a custom map that shows the cords of all members and allied planets of the allience along with enemys.
Well, quite a few alliances already have their own forum that they use and for chat, everyone could create a Zorg Myspace speciffically for that. ACS attack is what you are thinking of, and it is one of the promises yet to be full filled by the Development Team.

Re: Really New Ideas ?

How about allliance stuff - like a babylon5 station where members of an alliance can view information on each other, store resources for sharing to members, and provide a bonus to defending alliance fleets. etc.

Also add admirals that could provide a fleet bonus - allocate a fleet ship for them to travel about in. Have them be at certain locations to sign declarations of peace etc. Create an admiral forum where players could roleplay their admirals.

Have the admirals improve over time with successful completion of missions.

Include missions like : establish a viable colony in another galaxy with a jumpgate, win a fleet engagement , or build a deathstar.

laters fellow Zorgs

Re: Really New Ideas ?

To build on this instead of only having one player being able to make a design to themselves, have secret ship plans. It could be hidden in outer space, something like your expedition found an ancient alien ship, they were or were not able to find the plans for this ship. What does anyone think?[/

It would be nice if expiditions werent so limited and i think that would be awesome.. but who would come up with the alien ship specs? Maybe that would be a good way to introduce the Shield and Warp ships that someone suggested somewhere else in the game suggestions topics.. i honestly dunno where it is, there are entirely too many interelated posts for me to bother reading them all :roll: my eyes might fall out.
Yes I am a dirty hippy, no i do not want to be a boring conformist.

I like your Christ, I do not however like your Christians for they are so unlike your Christ. -Ghandi

Re: Really New Ideas ?

I think it would be cool if there were some secret alien techs you could uncover from Expeditions. There would have to be multiple requirements including a sizable Expedition fleet, high enough required techs to "use" the technology and an appropriate cost.

A cloaked espionage ship would be one. It could be revealed only when the espionage ships were destroyed.

Perhaps a more fuel efficient war ship.

Also, possibly a discount on researching a technology based on shared "alien" technology.

There are a number of possibilities. Each should be expensive and/or rare based on the level of benefit.

Just an idea.

"You are in a position to demand nothing. I however, am in a position to grant nothing."

Khan Noonian Singh