Hate me for this,
But ---------------
I have played this game long enough, and on enough sites;
to know what works and what doesn't
One site had / has "Tactical Retreat"
where if an attack fleet was 5 times larger
( 3 - if you purchased an Officer with game currency )
in fleet points than the target,
the setting fleet would "Retreat" = No Fleet Crash
but the attack went thru,
just defense bash and raid resources
This helped "Level the Playing Field"
the older / larger accts could still raid the smaller players but couldn't just over whelm them in Fleet size
My self, I would limit the attack fleet to no more than - Times 4 - the defending player defense and fleet points
As we all know,
we all want "Zorg" to prosper and the game remain full of active players,
else the game is going to remain as it is now
In my "Not so Humble Opinion"

Changes need to be made that encourages Player -vs- Player
active players, miners, turtles, raiders and fleeters
all competing against each other, not just farmin "Fat Cow" Inactives