Limit on Attack Fleet Size

Fleeters are gonna


Hate me for this,

But ---------------
I have played this game long enough, and on enough sites;
to know what works and what doesn't
One site had / has "Tactical Retreat"
where if an attack fleet was 5 times larger
( 3 - if you purchased an Officer with game currency )
in fleet points than the target,
the setting fleet would "Retreat" = No Fleet Crash
but the attack went thru,
just defense bash and raid resources

This helped "Level the Playing Field"
the older / larger accts could still raid the smaller players but couldn't just over whelm them in Fleet size
My self, I would limit the attack fleet to no more than - Times 4 - the defending player defense and fleet points

As we all know,
we all want "Zorg" to prosper and the game remain full of active players,
else the game is going to remain as it is now

In my "Not so Humble Opinion"

Changes need to be made that encourages Player -vs- Player
active players, miners, turtles, raiders and fleeters
all competing against each other, not just farmin "Fat Cow" Inactives


Last edited by Buzzard on Sat Dec 14, 2013 1:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Limit on Attack Fleet Size

another way is,
Make it more profitable to Fleet = attack active players than farm inactives,
hunt fleets not Farm "Fat Cows"

ACS should be for both attack and defend,
that way the small / medium sized fleets can take on the big Guys

DF from a fleet crash should be 100%
and the Fuel cost of launching a battle fleet should be lower,
make it cheaper to ACS Defend another player as the opportunity arrises,

After 14 days inactive players get put into vacation mode,
if the player returns,
they still have an acct too play if they want to,
they can go active again and start where they left off,

Re: Limit on Attack Fleet Size

It would be great if they were to tweak this game like the O-ther game has done, but, never gonna happen, they won't even implement ideas that are already approved. Just thought to give you a head's up, before the Trolls and Flamers cut loose on this. :lol:


Re: Limit on Attack Fleet Size

the balancing factor on launching massive fleets IS the deut cost.
if you dodge your oponent enough they will have no deut to launch on you, following which, harrass with fient kami's to force them into expensive fleetsaves. (only valid if you can blow their moon though, otherwise a 1% fleetsave from moon to df......)

Re: Limit on Attack Fleet Size

won't a good fleeter figure out a target's online times. so they can't dodge? its all very well to force actives to hit eachother but the system has to change. right now a lot of players get crashed ane QUIT simply because they took too muxh damage and got discouraged. the admin has to consider both what the larger AND smaller players think, or risk driving new players away entirely.
RL has been a b****. maybe for once I can stay around long enough to make a name for myself...

~the V-mode Fleeter~