Re: planet types

seems to have potential

but the stats are too much...
teraforming should allow you to influence the development of the planet, maybe with the assistance of a planetary engineering tech

however if we go this route then consideration should also be given to biological weapons/missles which could affect the stat bonuses... consider the effect of agent orange on a jungle world

ps gas giant
Just S N A R L & LEAP

"to crush your enemies, to see them fall at your feet -- to take their horses and goods and hear the lamentation of their women. That is best." G.K.

Re: planet types

my attempt was to add a new variable to consider when colonizing a planet,,,example you may go for a big planet but it has -30% duet production, making it not very good to launch fleets from, or you could wish for +10 % metal to build ships, all of these would add new variables into colonizing, if you could just upgrade it to your planet there would be no point
All war is Brutal, and I will master it all

Re: planet types

Its a great Idea, just needs ironed out,
when colonizing a planet, player gets a report of the amount of resources that can be mined
and the est. cost of developing them,
some planets a hugh amount of solar energy
so powering the mines is cheap,
on other planet, not so much but large amounts of res to be mined,
but maybe the cost of energy is prohibitive
another Planet large amounts of Crystal, but almost no Deut nor metal,
ect. ect. ect


I don't see how this would educe more Player -- vs -- Player competition
maybe more co-operation amongst players and alliance members in trading res
but how does this creat more Raiding of active players,
more fleet crashes

Re: planet types

fleeting isnt every thing,,,and i dont really see how this helps it either...more res to build ships i guess....or less depending on which planet you colonize...but i thought this would be a cool idea none the less...i PMed zorg...apparently the dev team is still pondering bout it as would be nice to have though
All war is Brutal, and I will master it all