I just love the amount of detail that has gone into this suggestion. Truly a great effort by the player base.
Yet we are playing in a game where you can detect movement on planets (active timers) without probing. If we are going to go into so much detail for this item (recy dfs) how can other aspects continue like this.. no probe no info you dont know what is there if you dont go and look... ahh that could mean no df's detected if you dont probe either.. ships and planes have radar to detect trouble ahead but if your not in the area you never know.. (unless someone who is there tells you)
Re: Debris research
#42There is no need to limit yourselves in how to implement this idea. Anything can go, as long as it makes some sense.
If we make the gathering to increase with the tech, then we are not talking about debris creation but for debris collection. While result may be the same, it is a totally different thing. Most importantly, it means that ANYONE can benefit when researching this technology, even someone who never engages in battles.
Personally, I like it.However, it cannot be that effective (anything more than 90% is de facto rejected). If I recall correctly, current DF is 60%. So, we are speaking for a +30% at maximum increase which can be given through an existing (or a new) tech. (We could discuss for another tech that also allows DF generation from Defenses).
I am guessing that you prefer Zorg Physics because of its current cost structure. However, I think that this should better be a new separate technology with different scaling in its increase per level. This will allow better flexibility and more strategy options.
Here are the initial characteristics of this new tech:
-We could first agree to the easy part; Let's give 1% per level so it is easy to meter/understand/track etc.
-It will be upgradable up to lvl 30 (no more upgrades allowed after this).
-It should have 2 critical points in terms of expense (1 at level 10 and one at level 20) which means it will be hard to get to level 10, very hard to get to level 20 and extremely draining to get to level 30.
-It's cost should finally be relative to the mine production speed of each universe (So it should be more costly for X-treme than Standard for example).
As to HOW expensive it should be, this I let to you. No need to provide exact numbers or functions (Except if you can, then be my guest). Just how you picture it.
If we make the gathering to increase with the tech, then we are not talking about debris creation but for debris collection. While result may be the same, it is a totally different thing. Most importantly, it means that ANYONE can benefit when researching this technology, even someone who never engages in battles.
Personally, I like it.However, it cannot be that effective (anything more than 90% is de facto rejected). If I recall correctly, current DF is 60%. So, we are speaking for a +30% at maximum increase which can be given through an existing (or a new) tech. (We could discuss for another tech that also allows DF generation from Defenses).
I am guessing that you prefer Zorg Physics because of its current cost structure. However, I think that this should better be a new separate technology with different scaling in its increase per level. This will allow better flexibility and more strategy options.
Here are the initial characteristics of this new tech:
-We could first agree to the easy part; Let's give 1% per level so it is easy to meter/understand/track etc.
-It will be upgradable up to lvl 30 (no more upgrades allowed after this).
-It should have 2 critical points in terms of expense (1 at level 10 and one at level 20) which means it will be hard to get to level 10, very hard to get to level 20 and extremely draining to get to level 30.
-It's cost should finally be relative to the mine production speed of each universe (So it should be more costly for X-treme than Standard for example).
As to HOW expensive it should be, this I let to you. No need to provide exact numbers or functions (Except if you can, then be my guest). Just how you picture it.
Re: Debris research
#43Finally eye candy to read!
Here goes.
Alright so I agree with how you envision the tech use per 10 levels, and I am wanting to stay with physics because as it is it's a dead end tech that could use some help, and the cost variation on it is great. My only thought is is in this research you say it can only go up to a maximum of 90%, this seems fair, though at level 30 of zorg physics you say it locks.
How about when you finish zorg physics it opens up a secondary research (This one either starting extremely costly due to the requirements of the previous tech or starting initially low due to the nature and slow grow of the research) that allows for DF from defense hitting. The first level being the most increase. Something like 30-40% and from there extremely low returns such as 1% or lower.
As for any other new techs, it's not that I am limiting myself, but trying to keep it simpler for new players. God knows explaining phalanx to newbies and moon to moon fleet saves is hard enough as it is, let alone teaching yet another high tier skill.
The way I picture you can explain this would be something along the lines of...
Your empire has grown over the time you've spent managing it. Your people are no longer barbarians fighting just to kill. Your people begin to learn of the ways of focusing their weapons to cut ships into more controlled pieces rather than shooting blindly. As a result your debris generation is increased by 1% per level in understanding. (Whether this would affect your own ships is up for debate I would say yes, but give another good example of why, such as the men eject and jettison parts of the ship to increase returns)
The second being.
Your people have leaped bounds and people know to tremble in the wake of your fleet. Hostile empires have retorted to building defense in hopes to protect and keep unprofitable the resources they shelter. As a result of previous education we have begun enlightenment of how to disable such defenses with profit to our empire. First level in research gives 30% debris generation of all permanently destroyed defense. Every level past the first yields and increase of "Insert number like 2%"
Glad to see this idea is being liked and flourishing even though it's difficulties.
A second idea, is to base how much DF you can collect based on your empires skill.
What I mean by this is to base a formula to increase by 1% based on the total DF you have collected in the statistics. This is iffy but a thought I had that might be worth investigating. Though implementing this for weapons shields armor on damage might not be the wisest idea.
Here goes.
Alright so I agree with how you envision the tech use per 10 levels, and I am wanting to stay with physics because as it is it's a dead end tech that could use some help, and the cost variation on it is great. My only thought is is in this research you say it can only go up to a maximum of 90%, this seems fair, though at level 30 of zorg physics you say it locks.
How about when you finish zorg physics it opens up a secondary research (This one either starting extremely costly due to the requirements of the previous tech or starting initially low due to the nature and slow grow of the research) that allows for DF from defense hitting. The first level being the most increase. Something like 30-40% and from there extremely low returns such as 1% or lower.
As for any other new techs, it's not that I am limiting myself, but trying to keep it simpler for new players. God knows explaining phalanx to newbies and moon to moon fleet saves is hard enough as it is, let alone teaching yet another high tier skill.
The way I picture you can explain this would be something along the lines of...
Your empire has grown over the time you've spent managing it. Your people are no longer barbarians fighting just to kill. Your people begin to learn of the ways of focusing their weapons to cut ships into more controlled pieces rather than shooting blindly. As a result your debris generation is increased by 1% per level in understanding. (Whether this would affect your own ships is up for debate I would say yes, but give another good example of why, such as the men eject and jettison parts of the ship to increase returns)
The second being.
Your people have leaped bounds and people know to tremble in the wake of your fleet. Hostile empires have retorted to building defense in hopes to protect and keep unprofitable the resources they shelter. As a result of previous education we have begun enlightenment of how to disable such defenses with profit to our empire. First level in research gives 30% debris generation of all permanently destroyed defense. Every level past the first yields and increase of "Insert number like 2%"
Glad to see this idea is being liked and flourishing even though it's difficulties.
A second idea, is to base how much DF you can collect based on your empires skill.
What I mean by this is to base a formula to increase by 1% based on the total DF you have collected in the statistics. This is iffy but a thought I had that might be worth investigating. Though implementing this for weapons shields armor on damage might not be the wisest idea.

Re: Debris research
#44I cannot believe that i missed the update in this thread,
I am happy to leave the increase bound to zorg physics, a flat 1% increase should be OK in my opinion.
perhaps as a reward for the level 10 mark defenses can begin to generate some debris and another one off reward for the level 20 mark?
debris collection - 1% per level of zorg physics, cap at +30%
also can i ask what method of collection will be used? as there are multiple plausible options.
my current thinking: whatever your ships destroy has the boost eg.
defender zorg physics = 5
attacker zorg physics = 10
lets say defender loses 200 battleships and attacker looses 100 battleships
attakers lost battleships normally: 3m metal and 600k crystal df -> 3.3m metal and 650k crystal
defenders lost battleships normally: 6m metal and 1.2m crystal df -> 7m metal and 1.4m crystal
total df: 9m metal, 1.8m crystal -> 10.3m metal, 2.05m crystal
if this is what is shown, then all players can collect the boosted df assuming the attacker doesn't grab it seconds after the hit
possible ideas to include (also justifies the sudden boost in cost at level 10 and 20):
defense debris - 1% per level of zorg physics OVER level 10, (thus cap at 20%)
something else? - 1% per level of zorg physics over level 20, (cap at 10%, but who will even get this far :S)
(1% is just a placeholder)
I am happy to leave the increase bound to zorg physics, a flat 1% increase should be OK in my opinion.
perhaps as a reward for the level 10 mark defenses can begin to generate some debris and another one off reward for the level 20 mark?
debris collection - 1% per level of zorg physics, cap at +30%
also can i ask what method of collection will be used? as there are multiple plausible options.
my current thinking: whatever your ships destroy has the boost eg.
defender zorg physics = 5
attacker zorg physics = 10
lets say defender loses 200 battleships and attacker looses 100 battleships
attakers lost battleships normally: 3m metal and 600k crystal df -> 3.3m metal and 650k crystal
defenders lost battleships normally: 6m metal and 1.2m crystal df -> 7m metal and 1.4m crystal
total df: 9m metal, 1.8m crystal -> 10.3m metal, 2.05m crystal
if this is what is shown, then all players can collect the boosted df assuming the attacker doesn't grab it seconds after the hit

possible ideas to include (also justifies the sudden boost in cost at level 10 and 20):
defense debris - 1% per level of zorg physics OVER level 10, (thus cap at 20%)
something else? - 1% per level of zorg physics over level 20, (cap at 10%, but who will even get this far :S)
(1% is just a placeholder)
Re: Debris research
#46I think there's no need for a new thread, just more thoughts from community so it can be approved. Needs more talk about whether they want it or not.

Re: Debris research
#47i think its an awsome ideal i know myself and others thrive on reaching goals and this would be a good one