New formula for moon/rip destruction

I've reopened the previously disapproved topic. It was disapproved, because there was no working suggestion in it.


Now, after tweaking the moon destruction formula, I can share the results I've had so far.
Zorg wanted a more "formula-like" suggestion, which is here.
The current moon destruction formula is the following:
The modified moon destruction formula is the following:
The modification has very small impact on the popping of moons smaller than 9.000 size:
  • It changes the percent of popping a moon in 2.000 - 9.000 size range with variety of 1.005 to 1.05
    for 9.000 moon, the previous 95% becomes the new 99.75% ( 95% * 1.05 = 99.75% )
    This means that you'll need 5% less rips to get 100% on moon sized 9.000: instead of 372 RIPs, you'll need 340 RIPs to get a 99%
The modification has medium impact on the popping of moons in range 9.000 - 9.800 size:
  • The story here is as described in the previous spoiler, but the chances are increasing.
    For moons 9.500, you'll need from 1.529 to 1.263 RIPs to get 99%;
    For moons 9.800, you'll need from 9.703 to 6.250 RIPs to get 99%.
The modification has medium-high impact on popping of moons in range 9.800 - 9.900 size:
  • For moons 9.900, you'll need from 39.008 to 17.366 RIPs to get 99%.
And we're getting to the final part, because of which I made the tweak in the formula:
This is the old formula (data taken from

Code: Select all

99%: 392,020,398 Death stars needed.
98%: 384,140,792 Death stars needed.
97%: 376,341,182 Death stars needed.
96%: 368,621,568 Death stars needed.
95%: 360,981,950 Death stars needed.
90%: 323,983,800 Death stars needed.
85%: 288,985,550 Death stars needed.
80%: 255,987,200 Death stars needed.
75%: 224,988,750 Death stars needed.
50%: 99,995,000 Death stars needed.
25%: 24,998,750 Death stars needed.
This is the new formula:

Code: Select all

99%: 150.726 Death stars needed.
98%: 147.697 Death stars needed.
97%: 144.698 Death stars needed.
96%: 141.730 Death stars needed.
95%: 138.793 Death stars needed.
90%: 124.567 Death stars needed.
85%: 111.111 Death stars needed.
80%: 98.424 Death stars needed.
75%: 86.506 Death stars needed.
50%: 38.447 Death stars needed.
25%: 9.612 Death stars needed.
Zorg also wanted a tweak on the fleet self-destruction formula. Here it is:
And here is the comparison of the old and new formula:
*NOTE: Old formula = purple. New formula = blue.
Any man can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error.
- Marcus Tullius Cicero

Re: New Ruby moons suggestion

Ruby moons/unpoppable moons etc has had so many posts I doubt anything will change....only change has been restrictions on how many moon destroys are allowed per day which benefits potential defenders....nothing was changed to balance it out for attackers....the MD ratio after size 9.810 to 9.999 is laughable to say the least....and despite Zorg saying not impossible (and that they would look into ratio/formula for MD) it is for anything above 9.920 which requires 61,011 RIPS for 99% chance....and who would risk 25-99% success even if they had that amount? No-one.....Same as no-one will reach that many RIPS in this games lifetime! No balance even if Zorg agree to your new ratio......maybe ruby moons should be cheaper and MD should only need a 10% minimal chance of success.......also reduce chance of getting a moon to 10% not even if u lose a moon it is cheap and easy enough to I see it the only ones who think ruby moons should be untouchable are the ones who do nothing but hide behind them all the time.....the issues of ruby moons/ratios will always just go on and on and on with no resolution.... :wall:

Re: New Ruby moons suggestion

I like it the way it now sprog, And I dont use them... SO you actually have to work to crash a fleet instea of being able to take out anyone weaker than you all the time... MD werent made so you can always have a 99% chance if your strong enough... Why is it big fleeters are always saying things are unfair for them and unbalanced when you guys control each universe? Real unbalance there.

Re: New Ruby moons suggestion

Joshanddrew wrote:I like it the way it now sprog, And I dont use them... SO you actually have to work to crash a fleet instea of being able to take out anyone weaker than you all the time... MD werent made so you can always have a 99% chance if your strong enough... Why is it big fleeters are always saying things are unfair for them and unbalanced when you guys control each universe? Real unbalance there.
All I am trying to say is that Zorg said they would look at ratio/formula after they restricted MDs to 4 a day...they still haven't done a thing except say no moon is unpoppable....I made this same point a long time ago when I didn't even have a top 20 fleet and when I was losing moons.....the solution for me was to get a bigger fleet and take out're entitled to an opinion same as we all are but at some point everyone was stronger than me...... :D