well name it what you wanna see in zorg empire
-ships(how many you think is best for browser game)
name it
how much cost it
how to unlock it
- defenses(same as above)
- resurses adding 2 more (Special resurses for example making fake spy reports or making df in universe)
- super ships
- one class ships that cant take down 50% of enemy fleet but cost is huge you need to play 2 years to unlock it
- Ruby factory similar
- gathering parts for building massive ships
- self attacking for ms
-Tornament game best of best on each server
- 7 days reward system
- 5 aliens races to spicy game up (Humans vs Aliens)
- controling alliances moons (you can use freind in allaince moon for jumping however that player you used moon need to wait for cool off)
- 2 vs 2 alliances wars or 10 vs 10 alliances wars
winner gets bonus for 1 month 50% resurses speed up
loser gets instant fleet and defenses restore 50%
- alliances big planet using for wars also you can pop them with deathstars
- allainces get bonus how many members have
example: 25 members 3% in resurses every 25 members you get 3 more 3% that 6% all players in alalince get bonus too all planets
also only for active
- cheaper Deathstars by 50% -increase deuterium consumation to 1000
thats all a dont have ideas anymore a put under discusion to see what you like about this
please read and comment or fill all sugestion you like and sugestion you dont like
this is only to discuss later it will go for sugestions
what you wanna see in zorg empire
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