Re: Fleet bases instead of Fleet slots

Richard98 wrote:its okay Bijan :)
The thing is this is where we suggest things to add to the game so for more fleet slots for now, just upgrade your computer technology.
For graviton, it will take forever! You need a high nanite level and shipyard level so you can intsta-build solar satellites. And also for the 300,000, it is the OVERALL amount of energy you have, not how much energy that is not used by your mines.
I suggest getting graviton tech 1 and 2 at the same time. Graviton 2 needs 600K energy, so it will be even more dangerous.
The hardest part in my opinion is getting all the res for the satellites.
What a silly boy am I !
I didn't read the start of first post paragraph carefully that had "Proposal" and it caused wasting my and yours time :wall:

But again about Energy and Graviton Tech:
if I build more and more Solar Satellites to each 300K Energy, you mean that after researching that Technology, 300K of my Energy will "disappear"? :roll:

Another quote: I calculated the resources needed for several buildings and this is result of my calculations:
Total Material (Metal+Crystal+Deuterium) needed for 1 unit of energy is:
- - - - - - - - -
Solar Plant 19 to 20 uses 318 Material for +1 Energy
Solar Plant 20 to 21 uses 418 Material for +1 Energy
Solar Plant 21 to 22 uses 553 Material for +1 Energy
and we see that it is increasing
- - - - - - - - -
Fusion Reactor 09 to 10 uses 330 Material for +1 Energy (With Energy Tech. 15)
Fusion Reactor 10 to 11 uses 510 Material for +1 Energy ( " ")
Fusion Reactor 11 to 12 uses 794 Material for +1 Energy ( " ")
This one is also increasing in higher levels
- - - - - - - - -
But Solar Satellites (Depending on properties of Planet) use only from 30 to 90 (in coldest planets) Materials.

Sorry for this long introduction, but finally my question is:

What is the benefit of Solar Plant and Fusion Reactor when they compared to Solar Satellites?

P.S: I know that this is not the correct place for this question, but believe that I can not find any answer to my problems by searching in forums :?

Re: Fleet bases instead of Fleet slots

Richard98 wrote:well they are easily crashed
Yes, a assumed this as the worst part of Solar Satellites, but I recently knew that after "crash", all of Metal and Crystal are remained in Debris Fields that could be collected very fast. (Please correct me if I'm wrong).

But I think there is an illusion in Solar Plant and Fusion Reactor that wastes many many material. I will explain it by my real data:

Lets assume that our goal is obtaining 200K Energy.

1) We can have 10K Solar Satellites with each one producing 20 Energy (I think its a usual average value, please inform me if I'm far apart). They give us 200K Energy and of course, we used 500K Metal , 5M Crystal and 2.5M Deuterium for building them.

Now after demolishing all of them in a battle, we should use 2.5M Deuterium more that seems waste of materials, is it? If you think its like that, look at the second solution.

2) We know that by using two other buildings: Solar Plant and Fusion Reactor, we can obtain Energy.
Lets see how much material they consume to reach 200K Energy?
In my current situation, the highest available Level for Solar Plant is Level 23 that needs 561K Metal and 224K Crystal (totally 785K Material) that adds 1,074 to Energy Production. Thus we used 731 Material for increasing 1 Energy production.
In similar way, Building Fusion Plant Level 11 Needs total of 1,474K Material for adding 1500 to Energy Production (I assumed Energy Technology 17 , the highest record of game in scoreboard) , so we used 984 Material for Each increment.

(Sorry for this long story, but the result is Sweet, I think):
Now we can see that if the rate stays at this value (that we know from previous trends, it will increase at higher levels) we will need this Material for obtaining 200K Energy:
105M Metal + 42M Crystal (with Solar Plant Level 23 rates)
527M Metal + 211M Crystal + 106M Deuterium (with Fusion Plant Level 11 rates)

Now Compare:
(1) we need 8M total material for first building and 2.5M more for each time re-building.
(2) we need 150M to 700M total material (that I think its impossible to reach it).

The Solar Plant Higher that 10 and fusion Reactor higher that 5 are only wasting materials! We know that soon or late, we need to build Solar Satellites, so isn't it better to build Solar Sats from beginning of game, little by little?

(Sorry again, relate my long texts to my old age :idea: )

Re: Fleet bases instead of Fleet slots

What is the benefit of Solar Plant and Fusion Reactor when they compared to Solar Satellites?

Bm4956 you are right, in the sense that Solar Planet at certain level becomes too costly compared to its effect.
in fact most buildings becomes less cost effective as levels go up. that's why some people have 9000~15000 satellites on their planet.

yes u can recycle them if destroyed, but so can your enemy.

Re: Fleet bases instead of Fleet slots

Personally, I do not like having any Solar Satellites just because of the fact that they cannot be moved and are easily crashed. But most players have some solar satellites on their planets. Solar Plants alone are not suffcient enough alone to supply an entire planet for it's energy.
Massacre Universe: GrimReaper1145

Re: Fleet bases instead of Fleet slots

what in the world....

I'm sorry, but all this talk of solar sats doesn't really seem to fit in this thread. I thought there was an idea around here somewhere?

Oh yes, there it is discussed on previous pages...I'll just go there.

Changing the whole concept of how many fleets one can have out at a time isn't necessary. Like BFC said, the universe is emptied of res fast enough without giving more means to speed up the process. Also, the limit on how many fleet slots you have available plays a role in how you plan attacks. There is an endearing quality to getting that pumped feeling when you finally do spy a fleet you want and then have to wait for those extra slots to open up as your ships return from elsewhere. The's all that makes this game what it is.