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[Implemented] New Ship: Elite Cargo Ship

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 8:37 pm
by Slash

In an ever increasingly hostile Universe, many Empires found themselves pouring vast amounts of industry into building fleets of large cargo ships to keep their resources off-planet and protected from raiders and fleeters bent on capturing planetary riches. Increasing trade and development of the distant planets within their empires also contributed to the need for a larger, more effective method of transporting resource. Thus, the Elite Cargo Ship was born.

Like its smaller siblings, in order maximize the resources that can be stored in the holds, this ship has little in the way of weapons or armor. Its multiple banks of combustion engines and enormous cargo holds make it the most effective ship in the inventory for transporting and storing resources off-planet. Because of it's size, economy of scale requires a higher price for this mother of all space freighters.


Rapid Fire against Espionage Ships: 5
Rapid Fire against Solar Satellites: 5
Rapid Fire from Death Stars: 300
Rapid Fire from Battle Cruisers: 5

Structure Points: 3,000,000
Shield Strength: 50
Attack Points: 5
Cargo Capacity: 10,000,000 units
Base Speed: 10,000
Fuel: 2500

Special Tech requirements:

Combustion Engine Level 8
Zorg Physics Level 1
Shipyard Level 7

Procurement Costs:

Metal: 1,500,000
Crystal: 1,500,000
Deuterium: 650,000

Re: New Ship: Super Cargo Ship

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 8:53 pm
by Thatguyeric
sounds cool but:

structure cost is metal + crystal spent
is this ship supposed to shoot a RIP 300 times or is a RIP supposed to shoot it 300 times?

Re: New Ship: Super Cargo Ship

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 8:54 pm
by OrionRising
300 rapid fire against deathstar? How about 50-100 instead... if not 25-50.

Re: New Ship: Super Cargo Ship

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 8:55 pm
by SPY
For a player of my stature I don't need a cargo ship of that size in that early of the game. The price tag is too high for me to get at the moment. So my suggestion is why not make the combustion engine lvl requirement set to lvl 10 cause for me reaching that lvl will do few imp things. I will have a solid ground by then and a base fleet that will support my raids to acquire resources of that size and the cargo ship will travel faster. If you think about it before I reach the capability to raid a planet of that lvl I have no use of the cargo ship and it is going to be a duet guzzler.

Re: New Ship: Super Cargo Ship

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 8:58 pm
by Slash
Corrected Structure Points.

RF @ Death Star remains consistent with other ships in its class.

Level 8 Combustion Engine is obvious increment for the specified base speed. For a player of my level (or anywhere near it) the savings for this ship are obvious.

Re: New Ship: Super Cargo Ship

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 9:04 pm
by Thatguyeric
Slash wrote: RF @ Death Star remains consistent with other ships in its class.
Umm...there are no other ships with RF againt RIPs. It can fire 300 times which is 1500 damage to a RIP, which could be a tipping point. I don't think a cargo should be doing more damage then a BS, no matter what the cost is. Again, I am assuming that you mean from, not against, but then sats and probes would hit it 5 times each. something's wrong there.

Re: New Ship: Super Cargo Ship

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 9:12 pm
by Slash
Its not "against". Its "from". I'm rolling over the specs required for small and large cargo ships. I have a command of the English language- unlike the author of the current ship descriptions. :lol:

Re: New Ship: Super Cargo Ship

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 9:21 pm
by Istalris
It says against in your specs Slash. :P

Also, deuterium isn't included in structure points. Only m+c, so your ships structure would be 3 mill, which is divided by ten to give its armour value.

I would love to see a bigger cargo though, would save me a lot of bother.


Re: New Ship: Super Cargo Ship

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 9:28 pm
by Slash
Thanks, Ista and Eric. Fixed.

Re: New Ship: Super Cargo Ship

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 10:53 pm
by Weresloth
I'd really like to see a ship like this as well.