Re: [Approved PB Heavy] Elite Rec

Rjsturgill wrote:Bump...

What has happened with this idea?
The key point of this idea is the initial approval here: viewtopic.php?p=77056#p77056

However, after this point, there has been few feedback. A PB Heavy approved idea needs playerbase feedback to progress and this is not getting it.

Especially for an idea that messes with:
-Galaxy icon, options
-Fleet save strategies
-Game economy
-Battle outcomes
-RF ratings
-Total fleet cargo
-etc (I am sure I miss points here)

I would say that it won't even make beta eventually unless feedback changes dramatically.

Finally, the current biggest obstacle as I see it, is that it messes with RF selection as it is an extra stack and I believe that it does not worth the fuss and the risk for what it will provide. Still, it would be good to progress with design at an acceptable rate as it would be an easier addition for future Massacre Combat Engine, where it would not play a heavy role with RF selection. Still, even for this purpose, it need to be breaken down to more pieces (many players already stated in this thread possible issues).

Re: [Approved PB Heavy] Elite Rec

Torgard wrote:
Zorg wrote:All agree to the proposition of Istalris ? I have not gone through it yet but if you are done, I will forward it to the devs to add it in Beta as phase 1.
So I guess this quote has been retracted. I thought this idea was ready to be put into beta. :Doh:
I haven't seen anyone providing an answer to this quote. And I still do not see any. So I have to redirect everyone to my post above ( viewtopic.php?p=82604#p82604 ) as what is currently active.

Re: [Approved PB Heavy] Elite Rec

Pardon my being a voice of dissension. The notion will leave lower level players out of the DF collection loop, provide significant advantage to those affording the highest comp tech levels, and allow those already resource rich (or capable of more quickly, more efficiently making themselves resource rich) effectively to monopolize the most resource rich areas of the game expending fewer resources in less time to get it. It further could favor largest fleeters via dramatic climb in DF consumption impacting FS tactics.

It would effectively change the game, in nearly all areas, dramatically.
Ní mar a shíltear a bhítear.
Ní féidir maraigh tú an Dullahan
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Re: [Approved PB Heavy] Elite Rec

Istalris wrote:My proposition.

Elite Recycler


Metal: 750.000
Crystal: 300.000
Deuterium: 100.000


Armour Technology 15
Shipyard 8
Combustion Engine 14
Zorg Physics 3


With the advancement of empires within the Zorg universe, battles between leaders were becoming more and more ferocious. Debris fields on epic scales were becoming common place, even the emperors with vast fleets at their command were struggling to efficiently collect the materials remaining after battle. With the new understanding of Physics, the best scientists of the universe banded together to create a super efficient new recycling vessel, realising that the spatial shielding required to fly among debris fields was a waste of energy, they developed a new metallic alloy to allow these vessels to be fitted with advanced armour that provided protection from flying debris and radiation at a greater efficiency than energy shielding. Though this allowed them to be deployed at a lower cost to the emperor in command, it also made them extremely vulnerable to all types of plasma based weaponry.


Structure points: 1.050.000
Shield Strength: 1
Attack Points: 1
Cargo Capacity: 2.000.000 Units
Base Speed: 2.000
Fuel Consumption (Deuterium): 15.000

Rapid Fire

Rapid Fire Against Espionage Ship 5
Rapid Fire Against Solar Satellite 5
Rapid Fire From Destroyer 20
Rapid Fire From Battlecruiser 20
Rapid Fire From Plasma Cannon 30
Rapid Fire From Death Star 250
Forum Moderator: The Chill One ~ Gale Points: 52
The only thing standing between me and immortality is death.