Re: Elite Rec

The suggestion is approved at an intitial phase. The primary need for an elite rec is eventually the need for greater capacity that will ensure that fleets % are not flooded by primarily recyclers.

The resulting speed must meet the following criteria:
-Very Big Cargo Space
-Smaller Cargo Space than Elite Cargo
-More Fragile/weaker than current recyclers
-Same Speed with current recyclers
-Tech demans must be proposed
-Complete Ship details must be proposed.

As usual, the ship will be first introduced to X-TREME and after evaluation and proper tweaking will be copied to the rest of the universes.
The ETA for the implementation will be relevant to the final decision regarding ship stats.
Moderators are kindly requested to edit the first post in the fashion we conducted the ship build of LG and EC in the past till we reach a final point.


Re: [Approved PB Heavy] Elite Rec

My proposition.

Elite Recycler


Metal: 750.000
Crystal: 300.000
Deuterium: 100.000


Armour Technology 15
Shipyard 8
Combustion Engine 14
Zorg Physics 3


With the advancement of empires within the Zorg universe, battles between leaders were becoming more and more ferocious. Debris fields on epic scales were becoming common place, even the emperors with vast fleets at their command were struggling to efficiently collect the materials remaining after battle. With the new understanding of Physics, the best scientists of the universe banded together to create a super efficient new recycling vessel, realising that the spatial shielding required to fly among debris fields was a waste of energy, they developed a new metallic alloy to allow these vessels to be fitted with advanced armour that provided protection from flying debris and radiation at a greater efficiency than energy shielding. Though this allowed them to be deployed at a lower cost to the emperor in command, it also made them extremely vulnerable to all types of plasma based weaponry.


Structure points: 1.050.000
Shield Strength: 1
Attack Points: 1
Cargo Capacity: 2.000.000 Units
Base Speed: 2.000
Fuel Consumption (Deuterium): 15.000

Rapid Fire

Rapid Fire Against Espionage Ship 5
Rapid Fire Against Solar Satellite 5
Rapid Fire From Destroyer 20
Rapid Fire From Battlecruiser 20
Rapid Fire From Plasma Cannon 30
Rapid Fire From Death Star 250
When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: [Approved PB Heavy] Elite Rec

Istalris wrote: Stats

Structure points: 1.050.000
Shield Strength: 0
Attack Points: 0
Cargo Capacity: 2.000.000 Units
Base Speed: 2.000
Fuel Consumption (Deuterium): 15.000

I think 0 shield would not be a good idea. I recommend that the Shields be at least be 2 or 3.

Also, since the new rec cannot be faster than the existing rec and the storage is not as high as the original post, I think the Fuel consumption should be about 3.000 deuterium (which is 10 times that of the original rec.)

Edit: The storage is multiplied by 10, so should the deut consumption.

Re: [Approved PB Heavy] Elite Rec

The current rec has 10 shields and 1 attack point. Considering the fact that you mentioned in your description they did away with some shielding, perhaps a shield value of 5? And also I would suggest staying consistent with 1 attack point; that way you can raid with these babies once you get enough ;) (or maybe not).

Looks pretty good, though. Also keep in mind that I'm terrible with ship specs like this, so feel free to ignore my advice.
Forum Moderator: The Chill One ~ Gale Points: 52
The only thing standing between me and immortality is death.

Re: [Approved PB Heavy] Elite Rec

Edited, how about that?

Also, Torgard, the capacity is multiplied by 100 not 10, so the fuel consumption would be 30.000 for basic recs, but I halved it to make this one more efficient. Could maybe bump it up to 20.000?

Put weapons at 1 and shields at 1, both of these stats are useless to the recycler and I only but them at 0 because Zorg said he wanted to it be even more fragile than the original. Also removed RF from Bomber, even though I explained the reasons in the description. :P
When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...