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Re: Probes

coordinates to some secrete free deut pump?

and most probably the page is not refreshed right... it happens when the internal java script is not fully loaded.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Activity probe.

This seems to happen on all servers, whether it was intentional or not, it's annoying. Sending probes toward a planet, and then recalling, regardless if they ever reach the planet, will cause activity. For example my planet from (These are fake coordinates) from 9:151:11 to 1:53:6 takes 52 seconds. If I recall at 3 seconds it will show activity at the time it would have landed (The full 49 remaining seconds.) This happens regardless of when you recall or how far the distance. This seems to only occur with espionaging. (Doesn't occur with other missions. Just espionage.)

Re: Activity probe.

I thought this was fixed!!?? this is like three year old problem... should have been fixed three years back...

is ze working with paper file system? did space vermin really ate up all those forum threads?
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.