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Generals Relaunch - Details discussion

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 9:49 am
by Zorg
Greetings everyone,

We have about 50 days ahead for the relaunch of the new universe.
This gives us plenty of time to discuss any details you want to see implemented.

You may need to read the Post Tournament feedback to refresh your memory - that topic will also be taken in mind when applying changes. Take extra notice at my post there as it summaries our current ideas: viewtopic.php?p=106795#p106795

I will try to avoid posting anything here till September 1. This mean that the next 18 days are open for the playerbase to workout the details as you want them. The next 15 days (Till September 15) we will try to finalize all suggestions/tweaks in order to ensure that no delay to launch day will occur.

Re: Generals Relaunch - Details discussion

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 4:23 pm
by DuctTape
glad to see it return.

just remember that
Raiders should be fast.
Attackers should be Strong.
Miners should have Storage.
all will be good.

Re: Generals Relaunch - Details discussion

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 5:51 pm
by MegaMedes
Just one suggestion for a new ship...Elite Recycler...we are still waiting for that to be implemented. The PB decided a long time ago that it was a great idea, but yet to be implemented. Wait are you waiting for Zorg??

Re: Generals Relaunch - Details discussion

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 11:07 pm
by Doomrager
They probably don't do it because it was suggested when shields still regen'd. Now that they don't it's the only way small players can hit big players in a fight to fight attack. In all honesty they probably will never be implemented.

Re: Generals Relaunch - Details discussion

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 11:38 am
by MegaMedes
Really not that hard to do...15 minutes of coding. Couple hours of testing and viola...a new ship. I am not saying that they have to be strong, make them as weak as regular recs...I don't care. I just can't understand why someone has to have so many ships and have to send those tiny little ships on more than one trip. But, if Zorg doesn't want to implement something that was approved by him and the player base, after all, it is his game and we are just players.

Re: Generals Relaunch - Details discussion

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 1:08 am
by wulfzen
MegaMedes wrote:Really not that hard to do...15 minutes of coding. Couple hours of testing and viola...a new ship. I am not saying that they have to be strong, make them as weak as regular recs...I don't care. I just can't understand why someone has to have so many ships and have to send those tiny little ships on more than one trip. But, if Zorg doesn't want to implement something that was approved by him and the player base, after all, it is his game and we are just players.
The game is free too. :whistle:

Re: Generals Relaunch - Details discussion

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 4:59 am
Noooo , WE are playing it, so its OUR game :lol:
btw, i guess its better to add some new plus options that players buy more rubies...
Idk what, but something that worth spending rubies when the world going to end lol

Re: Generals Relaunch - Details discussion

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 1:15 pm
by MegaMedes
One thing comes to mind. Insta finish research...or at least a sliding scale.

Reduce research time by:

1 hour= 5 rubies
5 hours = 10 rubies
1 day = 25 rubies
2 days = 35 rubies
3 days = 50 rubies
Finish research = 75 rubies

But, then again, I would like to see that implemented in all universes :dance:

Re: Generals Relaunch - Details discussion

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 10:44 pm
by medal
Zorg wrote:Greetings everyone,

We have about 50 days ahead for the relaunch of the new universe.
This gives us plenty of time to discuss any details you want to see implemented.

You may need to read the Post Tournament feedback to refresh your memory - that topic will also be taken in mind when applying changes. Take extra notice at my post there as it summaries our current ideas: viewtopic.php?p=106795#p106795

I will try to avoid posting anything here till September 1. This mean that the next 18 days are open for the playerbase to workout the details as you want them. The next 15 days (Till September 15) we will try to finalize all suggestions/tweaks in order to ensure that no delay to launch day will occur.
I'm glad everything was finalized! It's ready to rock and roll!

Re: Generals Relaunch - Details discussion

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 8:00 pm
by FarmerJoe
Hey Zorg,

I have the following questions:
  • Will the "Increased Storages size by 25% for 10 Rubies" affect the Storage den?
    Will the storage den have the same stats?
    What will be the stats of the Colonization tech?
    What will be the game speeds?
- Farmer Joe