Re: Tournament III - Feedback

my feedback updated list :
for turtles :
+new defense unit
+60-75% defense regeranation
for fleeters :
×perdators power must be decreased a bit
+20% more w.s.a. power
+40% Lesser Duetrium Cost
for raiders :
+star raider needs a better rf
+star raider must be faster
+must be able to unlock elite cargos at lower techs
×star raider must be more expensive a bit OR can be unlocked at higher techs
for miners:
+at least 50% extra production
+better dens ; cost lesser resources (speciality crystal)
?if you wish to remove dens , so we first need find something better than dens
i am thinking to some kind of indestructible sats ; more expensive but never can be crashed down UNLESS at certain amount of Attackers' RF and above that
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Re: Tournament III - Feedback

Fleet General-
50% increase to predator fuel consumption

Raid General-
Remove extra fleet slots
Add a 15%-25% increase to all ship cargo holds
Decrease Star raider's fuel consumption by 50%

Miner General-
Remove Storage Dens(The reason this is building should be removed is because it puts 0 risk in how miners can play, If you truly want this building then
I hear farmvile is free go check it out.)
Add Harvesters- acts like a sat, but boosts mining by a small amount, somewhat cheap(15k metal 10k crystal 5k deuterium???) , Becomes less effective the more are built. Can be destroyed to make DF.
Needed Tech: Computer Technology 2 Energy Technology 3

Defense General
Remove Voyagers
Add Adaptive Defenses passive: Light Lasers and Heavy lasers Get cheaper the higher Laser tech is, Ion cannon gets cheaper based on Ion Tech.(5%-10%???)

New General: Explorer General
New Ship Exclusive: Ancient Dreadnought: This powerful ship was once constructed by an ancient civilization 10,000 years ago. It isn't clear what happened to the civilization, but their legacy is left in this ship. Bigger, badder, and packing firepower never before seen. If this ship was to be restored to its former state Its combat ability would devastate anything locked in its sights. Can only be found in deep space. Due to its large size It has to stay in high orbit, that being said, It can only give minor support in attacking defenses.(only one can be found at a time. Can only be found with a 100 voyagers minimum. chance to find is 1%)
(to get an idea of what this ship is worth)
Price 500k metal 250k crystal
Structure Points: 750.000
Shield Strength 10.000
Attack Points 17.000
Base Speed 11.000(Scales with hyperspace engine)
Fuel Consumption (Deuterium) 300
Rapid Fire Against Small Cargo Ship 500
Rapid Fire Against Large Cargo Ship 250
Rapid Fire Against Light Fighter 25
Rapid Fire Against Heavy Fighter 15
Rapid Fire Against Cruiser 10
Rapid Fire Against Battleship 10
Rapid Fire Against Colony ship 55
Rapid Fire Against Recycler 100
Rapid Fire Against Espionage Ship 900
Rapid Fire Against Bomber 8
Rapid Fire Against Solar Satellite 900
Rapid Fire Against Destroyer 6
Rapid Fire Against Death Star 5
Rapid Fire Against Battlecruiser 6
Rapid Fire Against Lunar Guardian 5
Rapid Fire Against Elite Cargo 4
Rapid Fire Against Elite Recycler 50

Add Voyager
Adaptive Scavengers Tech: With more understanding of how various technologies interact, explorers gain a higher understanding of how abandon
ships work. Allows voyagers to bring back ships left in the void. The amount of ships that is brought back is based on how many voyagers(2 per one ship) are sent
and How high the tech is.
The types of ships found is random, the higher this tech the more rare ships that can be discovered. (Does not mean you will find a ship, merely adds the chance, and the number of ships found is random as well.)
Starting Price: 25k metal 25K metal 15k Deuterium(2X price scaling)
Level 1 Small Cargo, Light Fighter (5 Ship Cap)
Level 2 Large Cargo, Heavy Fighter(10 Ship Cap)
Level 3 Recycler(15 Ship Cap)
Level 4 Cruisers, Colony Ships(20 Ship Cap)
Level 5 Battleships(25 Ship Cap)
Level 6 Bombers(30 Ship Cap)
Level 7 Battle Cruisers(35 Ship Cap)
Level 8 Destroyers (Elite Recycler?)(40 Ship Cap)
Level 9 Lunar Guardians, Elite Cargoes(45 Ship Cap)
Level 10 Death stars(5 max at a time)(50 Ship Cap)
Level 11(exclusive to explorer) Ancient Dreadnought (1 max at a time)(55 Ship Cap)
Level 12+ Scale 5 on ship cap

This is just an idea pitched out, feel free to critique or change anything.
Last edited by ___Didact___ on Sun Aug 30, 2015 8:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Re: Tournament III - Feedback

Alduin wrote:@Didact
Yes Dens Hide Resources But You Know How Much They Hide? at Lvl 7 Something Around 600k Only
Removing Dens , No Extra Production For Miners
So Better Name Them "Farm General" Then
Its not about what the den cant do, its about the type of play that it brings to the game, everything in Zorg has some kind of counter or "defect". The only small defect the Den has is its small storage space, which is still pretty good. Regardless, It requires no significant play to use or wield it, and players have no way to beat it, needs to just be removed.

Re: Tournament III - Feedback

15% Extra Cargo Capacity is Useless When There is No Farm in First Week and Later Players Will Vmode
About Existing Farms During Tourney , Most of The Times Half of Resources Can be Collected With Elite Cargos

i Offer : Raiders Be Able to Collect 70-75% of Resources in an Attack . NOT 50% Like Other Generals
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Re: Tournament III - Feedback

Alduin wrote:@Didact
15% Extra Cargo Capacity is Useless When There is No Farm in First Week and Later Players Will Vmode
About Existing Farms During Tourney , Most of The Times Half of Resources Can be Collected With Elite Cargos

i Offer : Raiders Be Able to Collect 70-75% of Resources in an Attack . NOT 50% Like Other Generals

Alduin, I like you, I truly do, but everything you have ever suggested seems to be off the top of your head with no real thought. I took a long time thinking of how each of my changes would effect the game. Your suggestion would be extremely broken, Generals are meant to give a minor boost in a certain area, not dictate how your going to play. Giving a boost like to the raid general would be game breaking and overpowered. I want you to truly think how broken it would be if I bashed you 5 times with 70% of your res being taken. I want to challenge you alduin, I want you to give your best ideas, but I want you to think of every detail and how everything suggested will interact with everything else.