Re: Tournament III - Feedback

Somewhat on topic. In my opinion should run tournaments more often. At least for a little while. Maybe do two-three back to back then have a cool down period of a year or so.
I know not everyone can have their lifes centered around 1 universe but it's nice to be able to start over again against others rather than have the same old drooling game play of top player vs smaller.

Re: Tournament III - Feedback

___Didact___ wrote:Den = un fun anti play. Offers no counter and should be removed entirely.
Excuse me ; Can You Tell me Which Special Ability/Unit/Building Miners Will Have Then?
You Don't Agree With 50% Extra Production and Dens Existence
So Miners Will Not Exist , too
So What Special Thing Miners Must Have ?
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Re: Tournament III - Feedback

You love to try to jab at me yet time and time again I am proven to be playing within the rules. Go crawl back under your rock and cry yourself to sleep. Keep your posts on topic with feedback, not just big flaming because you can't cry wolf and have anyone doing better than you banned as you do this on xtreme. a lot. You're ability to stay 12 for 8 years has been incredible to witness here on the forums, but I'd rather it stop. For someone who talks about cowarding behind a bigger fleet you sure have been in gozars alliance
Stick to Xtreme and mass. Otherwise you'll get stomped like the little squirming bug you are.

Re: Tournament III - Feedback

Doomrager wrote:You love to try to jab at me yet time and time again I am proven to be playing within the rules. Go crawl back under your rock and cry yourself to sleep. Keep your posts on topic with feedback, not just big flaming because you can't cry wolf and have anyone doing better than you banned as you do this on xtreme. a lot. You're ability to stay 12 for 8 years has been incredible to witness here on the forums, but I'd rather it stop. For someone who talks about cowarding behind a bigger fleet you sure have been in gozars alliance
Stick to Xtreme and mass. Otherwise you'll get stomped like the little squirming bug you are.
yh yh....well majority of Generals say you should be banned. But that is not my decision. I can only assume they are ALL wrong and you are right.....btw stay 12 for 8 years? Your math is as poor as your account building...sorry my bad, you have to buy them/crash them and then buy them again for Gozar and his alliance.. I was and still am leader of AZGD......Gozar joined my alliance..I didn't join his when invited....Once again, I stick to your homework......and gotta pay for those accounts and rubies somehow right? Lol get back on topic .....we had three left at the end and did real good did u lot do (considering lol).....Diedrama shut the gate on your way out...we don't want another **** getting out...

Re: Tournament III - Feedback

Mr.Flamer and Salad , Stay on Topic
if You Wish to Moan Like a Child , Cry Like a Baby , Act Like a Loser , Create a Topic and Moan ; Really Wanna See What Will Change With Moaning :)
You Have Lost Tourney and You Are Just Crying Like a B****d Baby
Mr.Sin See You Only Play in Mass...The Dead Universe...Do You Dare to Come on Speed Little One? Karl Do You Dare Get out of X ? Speed in Best Universe Anyway ; Only "Bests" Play There
Losers/Babies/Moaners Got to Play on Dead and Dirty Universes With Biggest Cheaters There (Hiding Behind Them)
Once Again You Squad and Mr.Sissy Start Flaming/Baiting/Going Off Topic i Will Email it to Admin Directly
If You Can not Give Feedbacks , So Go Back to Your Dead Universes / Masters :)
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Re: Tournament III - Feedback

Lol, Alduin, you accuse players of "Flaming/Baiting/Going Off Topic". Then in the space of 9 lines of text I read this:-

B****d Baby, Dirty Universes, Biggest Cheaters, Mr.Sissy, Moan Like a Child , Cry Like a Baby , Act Like a Loser , Mr.Flamer and Salad,

Thanks for the "feedback everyone".

Re: Tournament III - Feedback

mightyoz wrote:Lol, Alduin, you accuse players of "Flaming/Baiting/Going Off Topic". Then in the space of 9 lines of text I read this:-

B****d Baby, Dirty Universes, Biggest Cheaters, Mr.Sissy, Moan Like a Child , Cry Like a Baby , Act Like a Loser , Mr.Flamer and Salad,

Thanks for the "feedback everyone".
Mr.Sinister and Sprog Started All of This ****
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