Schedulled downtime affecting Speed + Massacre universes

Network Upgrade - January 1st, 2012 - 3:00am CST (09.00 Game Time)

Greetings everyone,

There is going to be a 20 minute at max downtime due to a network upgrade.
This downtime will affect MASSACRE and SPEED machines.

The upgrade will take place in 03.00 CST or 09:00 GAME TIME (GM time)

Here are some extra details:
The entire network will be offline for a few minutes while the links are swapped from one switch to the other, and the distribution switches are replaced. We expect the downtime to be less than twenty minutes.

This upgrade will result in greater routing and bandwidth capacity, the roll-out of IPv6 support, and improved performance during the occasional DDoS attack among other things.
Massacre and Speed universe players will also be notified with a mass message.
Standard, X-TREME, forums and Chat servers will not be affected as they belong to different networks.
Zorg Tools site will also be down for this period.

We use a total of 4 different networks for all our server needs. Massacre, Speed and Zorg Tools are on the network that will be upgraded later today.

The good news is that at this time, there is normally low traffic so few will be affected.
Please note that the universes will still RUN, they will just be unreachable.