Re: Continued issue with Speed

There seems to be a hardware issue with our new server that hosts speed. We may have to endure a 15 minute downtime to fix this. We will let you know of exact time this will happen. Till then, we will continue to monitor the server to make sure there are no crashes till we can get it fixed.

Speed will also go through a network update on Friday, exact downtime should be about 10 minutes and you will be notified through a mass message in-game.

Re: Continued issue with Speed

Our apologies for all this downtime. We are trying our best all day long but we hit one issue after another. We hope tomorrow to completely fix it or else we will be switching company.

Server is currently under update and it will take some more time. About 15 minutes at least. For any issues created from the downtime (including losing your fleetsave) , message us at

Before the update we took a full backup so everything will be fine.

Thank you for your patience

Re: Continued issue with Speed

There is an expected downtime of 10 minutes at June 04 08:00 (GMT / Server Time) for network updates.

Generally, we have no other open issues with the server except for database upgrade in the near future. All known issues have been fixed.

Hopefully we will enjoy an uptime similar to our history in this 2.5years we operate Zorg Empire.