Zorg X-TREME Universe Crash Report

There was some defection which was resulting in server crawling (X-TREME UNIVERSE ONLY).
Eventually despite our efforts to fix this online, the universe crashed.

We have worked in the background and were able to bring back the universe in less than 10 minutes.

There were some side affects of the crash:
A)About 10-15 messages were lost.
B)1 user account was lost.

Since we keep backups everyday, the user who lost his account (if active) can send us an email to webmaster@zorgempire.net to have his account restored. We are unaware if this is an active user or who this user is.

Please report any future crawl issues of x-treme so we can verify whether or not this was something that happened once or a continued issue. We will need to ensure that the server runs on top speed every moment.

Thank you

Re: Zorg X-TREME Universe Crash Report

joshanddrew wrote:zorg that one person that an awful inconveniance you gonna compensate him at all? i know if that was me i'd be pissed....
Zorg wrote:Since we keep backups everyday, the user who lost his account (if active) can send us an email to webmaster@zorgempire.net to have his account restored. We are unaware if this is an active user or who this user is.
Forum Moderator: The Chill One ~ Gale Points: 52
The only thing standing between me and immortality is death.