Greetings fellow space emperors,
We have decided to announce standard ranking update times for all universes.
From now on, there will be 2 rank updates per hour: one at xx:00 and one at xx:30 (Every 30 minutes).
This will be implemented tomorrow across all universes.
Current update time is oncer per hour at xx:10
Each rank update lasts about 20 seconds and there might be some limited issues during this time. More specifically you should not be able to setup attacks during this time but you should be able to do anything else. Let us know by posting in bugs thread if this is not the case.
We hope that in the future we will be able to update the ranks in even smaller intervals.
We wprk hard in order to improve all aspects of the game with our top priority always being fast and reliable, bug-free gameplay.
For any future changes, you will be notified with a new announcement.
Thank you for your attention and have fun crashing these annoying enemy fleets!
Re: Standard Ranking Update times
#2Thanks for the info Zorg! 

Re: Standard Ranking Update times
#3Updating ranks in smaller intervals reveals people online times if fleet changes are shown. Although i think making the intervals smaller is a good thing, not showing only the points of fleet in air really messes things up. I would like it to stay the way it was till now.
Re: Standard Ranking Update times
#4New update times are now in effect.
We also utilized the chance to run the maintenance routine for all universes.
The routine lasted for Standard and X-treme less than 1 minute but in Speed it laster a bit longer. Next time we will try to make Speed less than a minute too.
Thank you
We also utilized the chance to run the maintenance routine for all universes.
The routine lasted for Standard and X-treme less than 1 minute but in Speed it laster a bit longer. Next time we will try to make Speed less than a minute too.
Thank you