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New Battle Engine 1.2

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 10:55 am
by Zorg
Greetings everyone,

Battle Engine 1.1 will be upgraded to 1.2 soon.
The new engine will solve all the RF problems of 1.1 version.

New 1.2 engine will be firstly introduced in X-TREME and SPEED ACS attacks where MASSACRE Engine is currently used. After a short while, we will implement it in 1v1 battles as well.

First implementation is scheduled for later today. An in-game message with details will be sent.

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Re: An update to Battle Engine 1.1 is on the way

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 12:59 pm
by Administrator
-Battle Engine V1.2 is now active on X-TREME ACS Attack and SPEED ACS attack.

The new version:
-Replaces MASSACRE Engine which was on usage there till now.
-RF usage respects the following formula:

Code: Select all

N = Number of Shots (starting with 0 for RF)
Probability to FIRE again: ( (RF Rating - 1 )/ RF Rating ) ^N
where ^ is power (ie 2^3 = 8).

Stack to Stack targetting is maintained.
-RF results seem weaker than before.

The new version is also available at the ACS Combat Simulator in both universe.
Calculators and game both use the exact same function.

We want the new version to run only to ACS Attack battles for a couple of days just in case anything major arises (ACS Battles are marginally lower in count) and then we will upgrade the regular battles with the new engine as well.

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