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New Contest - Win Zorg rubies!

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 11:32 am
by Zorg
Greetings everyone,

We need to boost forum activity a bit which seems down.

For this reason we will set up a forum game. During the game, users will gather tokens. The users with the most tokens win the prizes.

Top Prize: 1500 Rubies
Second Prize: 1000 Rubies
Third Prize: 500 Rubies
Fourth prize: 250 Rubies
Fifth prize: 100 Rubies
6th to 20th: 50 Rubies
21th to 50th: 25 Rubies

The contest starts from this moment till the end of October! November 1st we will count the tokens for each user (all together :P )

Some ways to earn tokens, have a CAP. A CAP is the maximum amount of tokens you may earn for a specific way till the contest finish. For example, CAP 5 means that you can win up to 5 tokens for this way.

Ways to earn tokens:
Create an introduction topic in Welcome Forum
This will earn you 5 Tokens. This applies only to players that do not have a topic there already.

For every player that creates an introduction topic, he may name one other player (as his referral) in his topic. The player that is mentioned, wins 3 tokens.

For every 3 combat report replies (by other users -different than attacker and defender), both attacker and defender earn 1 token. Cap 5 per topic.

For every 25 of your posts, you earn 1 token. Cap: 10

For every user nomimated here! You may nomimate one user yourself and you cannot nommimate yoursef. Create a post to name a nomimee till October 31. Every nomimee earns 5 tokens.

Post in Community forums:
-For every post in General Chat, you earn 1 token. Cap 10.
-For every post in Music you earn 1 token. Cap 10.
-For every post in Sports you earn 1 token. Cap 10.
-For every post in Car/Moto you earn 1 token. Cap 10.
-For every post in Computers you earn 1 token. Cap 10.
-For every post in Military you earn 1 token. Cap 10.

Post in other forums:
-For every post in Help forums you earn 1 token. Cap 20.
-For every post in Welcome to the forums, you earn 1 token. Cap 30.

(Post here will always require a ccertification first due to board restrictions for global announcements - allow some time for this till a moderator approves it)

Re: New Contest - Win Zorg rubies!

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 11:41 am
by Ozymandias
Excellent idea, I think this is brilliant. A reward for participation, good going Zorg EMpire!!!!

Re: New Contest - Win Zorg rubies!

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 11:55 am
by whoisit
This is a great idea! I wont be playing it myself as i have rubies, so i will give others a chance

I hope zorg extreme is going to be more active an ppl will get motivated to play more. again Great idea!


Re: New Contest - Win Zorg rubies!

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 12:05 pm
by Ozymandias
I agree with that last statement. I have the inability to readily buy rubies because of geographical locations and other concerns. Any chance of receiving rubies, if only to convert the odd bit of resources here and there would certainly make life easier, for me at least.

Re: New Contest - Win Zorg rubies!

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 12:14 pm
by Nautilus<>Zero
Question: How do we document what tokens weve received... Is it automatic or what etc....
Cheers and great idea zorg :)!

Re: New Contest - Win Zorg rubies!

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 12:20 pm
by the_real_impachik
Great idea :) Should help to see the forums come back to life, and also give players who can't easily buy them a chance to get lots of rubies :)

Re: New Contest - Win Zorg rubies!

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 1:39 pm
by ach
this looks interesting xD

@zorg - do you want us to collect up all our posts where we try to claim tokens at the end of the month and reply here?

Re: New Contest - Win Zorg rubies!

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 2:49 pm
by DeCruz
This is a good idea, it will help a lot of players to grow a lot faster, this should help the game to become more interesting

Re: New Contest - Win Zorg rubies!

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 3:08 pm
by Sprog
Great idea ...except already we see pointless comments by some. Rubies for any game ideas suggested by players and implemented by yourselves would be of greater value to the whole player base. Maybe this could be done next time?

Re: New Contest - Win Zorg rubies!

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 3:11 pm
by Zorg
Counting will be a small issue but it won't take long. Everyone will help :P