Re: Chat Mods needed!

i have right cause :D but i sent the message to zorg so hope i get reply saying yes but i'll completely understand if he says no.

:) there will be other opportunities

Re: Chat Mods needed!

The right cause is to prevent jerks from ruining chat for others. I don't care if they do it for the lulz, if it hurts other people then they should have their ability to chat taken away, if only temporarily. Chat is a privilege, some deserve to have it taken away.

Re: Chat Mods needed!

Please pay attention to the following:

a)We are not looking for chat moderators
b)Report chat rule violation to administration if there is no moderator around. Chat rule violations can and will apply bans directly to user accounts.
c)Do not grave dig announcements
d)If you want to suggest something, use suggestions thread.
e)If you want to discuss something, use discussion thread.