Re: Forthcoming Universe: Massacre

Administrator wrote:Some good notes I noted during the past notes, nothin much to comment though.

Regarding existing universes, they are doing fine but we are losing too many newcomers, mostly newbies that see the top as an uncatchable dream. This is why we need a new universe; to expand our playerbase.
Ok i like this point very much but also feel these arnt the only reason's behind newbies leaving the game.

This has given me an idea for a suggestion, so will finish the post on a suggestion.

Re: Forthcoming Universe: Massacre

sensor phalanx when set so it can see attacks to a moon it then becomes a valuable tool. players then get phalanxed.
you can not phalanx the moon, but if you happen to phalanx the planet you would see the fleet. This is how some of the game have set this parmeter.

you can not phalanx a recylcle mission
you can not phalanx a fleet going from moon to moon.

so now to fleetsave you have to send your fleet out from moon to a recyling mission or from moon to moon.

Now players use deploy a little more as if you recall a deploy it can no longer be seen on the phlanx. ( but you have to be online to do this.)

Now you also have to be careful when you attack someone or you can get caught in a phalanx and ninjued.

if this is implmented the moon now becomes very valuable again.

Re: Forthcoming Universe: Massacre

Being able to lanx everything would be a bad idea, with every good idea there needs to be a way to get round it,
like rips can take out moons, but if moon is to big you cant touch it, lanx needs the limitation or you just lose all chance to keep fleet, as f/s will almost impossible.
Also u made a mistake i'v seen alot, you can phlanax a recycle mission.

Re: Forthcoming Universe: Massacre

you dont like the idea because you are used to being safe when you lauch from a moon. In several other games,(servers) the lanx can see fleets that are lauched from a moon. only to see it you can not lanx the moon, as that is impossible, but if you find the planet and lanx it you can see the fleet.

only fleets you can not see on lanx are: moon to moon. recycling mission to collect debris. (main way of fleetsaving)

when the game first starts a moon with lanx is very valuable. and this method takes lots of skill. attacks become more dangerous as they can be lanxed if attacking a planet.

the way it is now there are hardly any lanxs.

Re: Forthcoming Universe: Massacre

[quote="IKICKAYOUWASSNOW"]Alright, thought I would check in, and send off a message on this one as food for others thought. The name "massacre" is pretty epic, and props to whoever thought that one up. Unlike all the other servers (unless something has changed since May-June), I think this one would need some actual balance.

If the dev team wants Speed uni to be the fastest (otherwise it would become useless) I'd suggest going in-between Extreme and Speed in speed, maybe at 7x. That would make fast fleeting in comparison to most servers in games like this while leaving Speed as the fastest universe fleet-wise.

Mine production, HIGH mine production. Maybe 7-8-9x. High mine levels give the miners a start, and all fleeters want there to be strong miners to trade and farm. Strong miners make happy fleeters in games. Just as well, this will allow miners to really compete quickly instead of having to have played for a year.

DFs. I would suggest something that most will disagree with, however with a name of massacre, this need not be a pansy-verse. I suggest a 90% to DF rate with no deuterium being allowed into the DF. With carnage like that, fleeting would be just as high of risk, high gain as it should be. I suggest no def to DF as turtles make up a large part of the game, and allowing them to have defense hit for a profit will create a too top heavy fleeter game instead of a balanced one (point ofc being that if the turtles are kept from quitting, there are more players to buy rubies and keep that active player total up, as that is something all new players look at).

Removing the bashing rule entirely however will cripple turtles from whenever a fleeter gets ticked at them. To counter this, I'd suggest a higher defense regeneration rate. Instead of 70%, suggestion of 80%-90% in that range. RIPs to have a higher deuterium cost at launch, as their original purpose in these games was to be a moon popper and not a turtle-raper. This gives something for turtles.

As for battle engine: a completely new one. Perhaps one with the bug of regenerating shields after each round intentionally used for the raiders of the game and tweaking rf.

I would also like to bring in another idea that has been rejected before in other servers, this being anti-fleet missiles (at slower speed then IPMs). Gives the turtles something to be a d1ck to the fleeters with. This would also ensure that the top players still need to fleetsave or risk losing part of their fleet. It would make a power-check that should keep people from having too bad of fleet:mines ratios (like mine was or PK was). And in the end, everyone should HAVE to fleetsave as it is an essential purpose to the game. Boxing champs still have to be on top of their game to defend in the ring, top fleeters should still have to be on top of their game to keep their fleets.

This gives each main playstyle something new, and as a result, gets each to be more likely to at least try the game. More player-types appealed to means more players in the game, and as a result, more money for the owners. And in the end, everything comes down to money.

Fleeters get: Higher DFs, good fleet speed
Miners get: Very high mine production
Turtles get: Higher regenerating defenses, anti-fleet missiles.

Just something for people to argue about. Good luck with Massacre dev team.[/quote]

Total agree with you man. This will be the most beautiful setup for a universe from everywhere.. I play --- from more than 7 years and have some experience with this game.. But when will start?