[Dissaproved PB Heavy] Ability to time delay fleet launch

I would like to see the ability to time delay a fleet launch.
My vision of this would limit the time delay to the next 24 hour period.
Example: From "Fleet Menu"
select ships to launch
select target system & planet/DF/moon
select speed
{new} select launch time

I realize this would change how the game is played. I believe by limiting the launch window it would not change the game play to much.
A smaller launch window would be a compromise on the idea.
Or another compromise could be the requirement the player still be logged on & active within the last 15 minutes.
The synchronization this would allow would greatly increase my enjoyment of the game.

Re: Ability to time delay fleet launch

a5climber » Sat Mar 19, 2011 9:38 am
I would like to see the ability to time delay a fleet launch.
My vision of this would limit the time delay to the next 24 hour period.
Hey buddy, could you explain what would be the utility of such ability.

I am trying to figure out and really after maybe 30 K launches I can not see it.

Re: Ability to time delay fleet launch

What I was thinking on this came about from launching an attack that I knew would create lots of df.
I would launch recyclers about an hour in advance, then time my fleet to arrive 3 minutes before the recyclers.
I would always be online to launch the fleet an hour later, but I would like the convience of doing it all at once.
IE: Launch recyclers
set Fleet to launch 1 hour later
set espionage probe to launch 2 minutes before fleet lands
all at one sitting instead of doing other things, working on my mines & research and missing my launch window by 3 seconds because I was engrossed in moving resources from planet to planet.

Basicly I'm lazy, I want to launch everything at once with the times I've figured out.

Re: Ability to time delay fleet launch

IE: Launch recyclers
set Fleet to launch 1 hour later
set espionage probe to launch 2 minutes before fleet lands
all at one sitting instead of doing other things, working on my mines & research and missing my launch window by 3 seconds because I was engrossed in moving resources from planet to planet.

Basicly I'm lazy, I want to launch everything at once with the times I've figured out.
Too Bad you are lazy, ask one of the top players how many hours they played and waited to launch an attack , to be in the ranks they are now.

Meanwhile there is a way to launch all at once, as you want: I would not advise thou , if the hit needs long time.

1st Send your probes + 1 recycle,
2nd Send another probe mission +1 recycle (just in case the first one is destroyed)
3rd Send your attacking fleet + 1 recycle
4th Send recycles

At that point i would wish you good luck as really you will need it.

well if you good the gap between all missions will be around 10 to 15 seconds, which is enough to recall in case of ninja.

Re: Ability to time delay fleet launch

While i don't use the same method as PK here, i have to say he is 100% right. You don't even need to include recs, you should KNOW the time for the hit. You show know probe time, rec time, etc. If this is put in or not will make no difference to the established or defining fleeters. Therefore I have to agree w PK, no real purpose here. If implemented or not i will not care, just saying not worth the admin time.
Death begins with life's first breath, and life begins at the touch of death.

Re: Ability to time delay fleet launch

This would also make timing lanx hits successfully child's play. Never been a fan of suggestions that put forward any kind of fleet automation.

Also, if you wanted to you can leave the launch window open on the mission screen in a different tab until the time comes to send it, that way you don't have to worry too much about not doing anything until the time comes. Just make sure you still have the ships you want to launch and are on that moon/planet in all tabs.
When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...