Re: IPM Bashing Limit

I too have had entire planets wiped clean of defenses on multiple occasions by a few players who didn't venture to take any gains but the satisfaction of the deed. No long term harm done, the only frustration I had was the constant stream of espionage reports. Defenses rebuild easily enough.

I also have used IPMs to my benefit and a limit on how many times I could fire would have been a huge disadvantage to me.

I say no to a limit. Limiting anything in this game (other than attacks per the bashing rule) just hinders the game and not helps it in my opinion.

Re: IPM Bashing Limit

AVENGERspeed wrote:actually i did mate its a classic when jordy ipmed all my def on 1 planet dry and i mean 50k lls and 200 plasmas and some 20k rls and some other

what did i do? i adapted
i wanna know what was your adaptation teching... dont tell me you waited!!!

lol no comment on this thread about whether i like it or not. its a game feature deal with it accordingly.

but in essence ppl in speed server did it to kill it. as long as they are doing it for that cause i will say the cause is wrong... other than that kill yourselfs how ever you can. i dont care. just dont cheat!

long live game pissing out :P
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: IPM Bashing Limit

I believe that players should be allowed to use the means given to them in this game!

There is a reason for having defence, missiles, fleets etc. They are there to be used in a strategy chosen by the player.

Whining over an oponent that has a different gameplay and strategy than your own is really pitiful! Why ? Because its the players choice to select his own gameplay, stragey and use of weapons. If you as a player dont like others gameplay/flow is your own problem not your oponent! You can adapt/learn from it or hit the highway ;-) Dont be arrogant and tell other players that they must use your gameplay or play in a way you like.! (I know I can sound arrogant by this, but I believe that each player must be allowed to choose his way of playing this game regradless of our own interpretation of a good/fair gamelay).

Remember this is a game and enjoy it for leisure and not a real life competition!

I will always admire people that play fair, are polite and can take win/loss with the same state of mind. Politeness and humour is something that we all could use more in this game.

Wish you all a good game with humour and politeness :-)

Fly safe and be well!


Re: IPM Bashing Limit

Well put BonAqua,

For me, survival in this game is about adapting to the strategies of my enemies whether their fleeters, turtles, nukers, miners, they all follow the rules.

From a non nuke user, I say keep it limitless.

That being said, if they are being used to kill a server, I do not support that.

Re: IPM Bashing Limit

My vote:
If IPM hits have limited count, better to be removed. And lower the defense rebuild rate 30% is enough without IPMs!

Ok, let's put it in other words.

Turtles wanna be impenetrable, BUT fleeter with 20k points in fleet crashing in turtle with 20k points in fleet(on the targeted planet) is a clear LOSS OF SHIPS, where 40% of the metal/crystal spent for those ships is lost along with the whole deuterium. And the defender loses roughly 30% of his defense, as is 30-30-30 loss in resources spent compared to 40-40-100 (and that is if the attacker takes the whole debris field).

Limitation of the "IPM hits" will only make the top players bigger, as they can penetrate the def without loss, and grab the resources. In the other point of view - the top players will go on mass defense, as of the limitation (even the fleeters).

And also compare how much players (according to game style) will be pleased by that, and how many will not be.

Pleased: Turtles
Non-pleased: Fleeters, Miners, Raiders ...

Final vote: NO!
All you need is a SickMind and a healty body.