Defenses are only in existence to protect your overnight resources. This seems unnecessary to me. I would rather leave this game as a cookie-cutter game that it is, simple and tactical.
Death begins with life's first breath, and life begins at the touch of death.
I will be sincere: I have not yet read the suggestion and replies. I will do so if it continues to evolve.
The reason I post though, is because I want to inform you that developers priority right now is to improve current defense buildings. The main reason behind this priority is that the majority of defenses is being ignored by most of the players.
Well hey, just an idea, and I thought it out instead of just throwing something stupid out there. Yeah in many ways I agree that defenses already take too much space in the game, but I thought maybe this would implement more strategy, so maybe couple it with a new ship or new type of missile that can zone in on the generators making it safer for the attacker, but obviously make that new ship or missile very costly or difficult to produce.
Dissaproved. We are not fond of adding yet another shield and we are generally against adding new defenses. In contrary we are open in tweaking current ones and there are threads about it.