Re: Game News: What is CURRENTLY going on [Update: Dec 3 201

-Added "Add Shortcut" button in SPY reports (All universes). By clicking it, you can easily add a shortcut of the target you just spied.
-Added "Attack" button in attack reports (All Universes). This is expected to make it easier to organize your raids and easily issue new ones without much fuss.

-New default view for overview screen. (X-TREME Only, will be copied to other universes once flawless operation is ensured). Fleets that have not reached their destination will not show up in overview screen to save space. This is expected to improve the ability to read through the overview screen fast. It is possible to swtich back to the old default view screen through the option menu.

Re: Game News: What is CURRENTLY going on [Update: Dec 3 201

New Feature

Brief description:
From now on, you will get a small notice if you have attacked a target for 5 times already.

-The notice appears before the launch button, at the final fleet screen (where you select the mission).
-The notice only appears if you have already had 5 attacks on the target.
-It does not count fleets that lost at first round (sadly, does count as attacks the ones you completely lost your fleet, even though this is not in the bashing rule).
-It does not check for fleets in air towards this target.
-It checks on a 24h history.
-It only counts attacks (not moon destruction missions for example)

Realistic Usage:
-This is only useful when doing bulk attacks against a large number of targets and will provide good combo with the new attack button in the combat reports.

More info:
This is in fact a lite version. With time, we will improve it to full incorporate all Bashing rule details before producing the notice.

Discuss this here: viewtopic.php?p=67913#p67913

Re: Game News: What is CURRENTLY going on [Update: Dec 3 201

Well, not sure if i am understanding this correctly, but am I hearing that it gives warnings for failed attacks that are multiple rounds? If so then this clearly does not work with the bashing rule, as any failed attacks that are completely destroyed do not count on bashing rule, whether it be in the first round or 5th, etc. As well, technically "tied" attacks that are destroyed in the final round do not count towards the bashing rule either. What is to be done about that with this feature (even though it would be a rarity)? As well I would strongly hope this feature does not do any auto-bans for these reasons, but rather make sure that all players are given notice that they are sending 6th etc attacks so that there are no excuses for any bashing.