a new program

this will be good for the faster server

a program wich u can use to aut build things so you can be offline and stil build

u can buy it fr 1 month price ?


this exemple is in dutch cuz i am dutch and if i can i play games in dutch
but u should be able to understand it

the upper part is putting a task in

the other part is the task queue

Re: a new program

srry for this question but i'm dutch and its only my second year that i learn english

wath does this sentence mean (if u can in dutch lol but iff u can explain in a normal english sentence tyvm):
I think you'll find the banhammer won't be so friendly if you try using that.

and i thought on something else

wath abou a fleetsave program:
u can fleetsave 1 time for 100hours max, using no deut ,traveling to no planet so completly save
cost 15-25zorg rubies

ppl with huge fleet can use this (buy) when they are out of deut µ
i know some ppl will like this idee and alot of ppl wil hate it
thats why i say it needs a limit

does som1 know when speed server arrives?

Re: a new program

1) this was a program from (Posting of other game names is not allowed ~ Zorg)

2) it was a SUGESTION this doesnt mean i use it
i SUGESTED that the developers can make it and ask rubies for it

the program is only interessed for th first 2 months then building time and getting the recourses takes to long to use it

BTW does somone know when speed serv arrives i heard it wont take long anymore

Re: a new program

you should read the game rules, there is a section that addresses issues with tools being used with the game. tools that automate game activity. those are restricted and will result in permanent ban.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: a new program

SPY wrote:you should read the game rules, there is a section that addresses issues with tools being used with the game. tools that automate game activity. those are restricted and will result in permanent ban.
Just to make sure everyone saw it I will quote the first line of this thread again
axandertje wrote:this will be good for the faster server
All he was doing was giving a suggestion for the new server. And then asked for clarification when he didn't understand what a banhammer was.

That said I don't think that his first idea is right for game play and his second one about paying rubies for a fleet save is an interesting idea but I don't think it will get used often except to hide a fleet when you have run out of duet and are being hunted, which kinda goes against what the VM thread with over 100 posts was trying to fix.
Those with nothing to loose have the most to gain. Long live the Miner!