Farewell ZE

It's been fun playing here, having new friends, but everything has an end...

As few of my friends know - I don't wanna quit, but I don't have time to play... Just graduated my bachelor degree and started working at second place... So really - no time to play :(

There was more than fun playing here, against those who think they're the best... And winning against them... I will try to login in forums from time to time, simply for the trolling -A-, Chosen and other wanna-be-famous (nah, I won't troll)...

My account will have a new owner as soon as he pays for it (he agreed at "Buy me two beers and it's yours").

Sending my best to all (except some guys like logged, Perses, RJ, ZORTON and so on, the rest will know who they are - I wish them to crash their fleet).

Over and out!
All you need is a SickMind and a healty body.

Re: Farewell ZE

DoctorWho wrote:harry - I think you're confusing me with someone else...
no, I don't believe that I am.

If good old Zorg really wants to make the game a better place as he states, he should focus on all the players using multiple names and logins. The system in place currently is a JOKE. And that is all.

Re: Farewell ZE

well - I can tell you that I'm neighbor of Roofy... And if we were the same guy - we probably should have been banned for multy in all speed, massacre and xtreme... That's before he quit a week ago... And my retirement (soon to be)...
All you need is a SickMind and a healty body.

Re: Farewell ZE

Seems the Doctor is due for a regeneration, we'll miss you doctor, the same but different doctor. Congrats on your graduation & I wish you the best. Sad to see a good player go. *Salute* (Deep Respectful Bow)
If knowledge is power.... How come my power company can't answer my physics exam questions when I call???