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What are the safest systems in X-TREME?

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:04 pm
by Asheron
I'm getting tired of unprovoked system raids. Even when I had 15,000 rocket launchers and other defensive hardware, I didn't destroy even one battlecruiser.

I just want to pack up, move in a massive exodus to a safe, isolated system, and restart my planets there so I can build in peace and not worry about anyone finding and attacking me EVER again.

So what systems are the safest to colonize? Where will I have the least worries about resource raids?

Re: What are the safest systems in X-TREME?

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:53 pm
by SpacemanSpiff
1. RLs suck.

2. If you cluster and leave resources on your planets, someone is going to set up a roamer next to you no matter where you are. I advise you to spread your planets out.

3. Scroll through an area you are thinking about setting up in and see who is around. You might want to avoid the higher ranked players.

4. Either extreme end of a galaxy will reduce the number of people near you up to 50% if you colonize in system 1 or 499. But you are still going to get raided if you leave a lot of resources lying around.

Re: What are the safest systems in X-TREME?

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:45 pm
by Choke
Leaving 100 - 300 LC on each planet with very minimal defenses and enough resources to make it worthwhile does not help. Instead of leaving those LC down, put them all together in one fleet and fleetsave them along with your res. Will definitely help your cause.

Re: What are the safest systems in X-TREME?

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 1:49 am
by Asheron
---- is a spacefaring game and they have high-security systems that are patrolled by the NPC "CONCORD" Police ships.

I wish there'd be a Galaxy 10 that would be designated a special "safe galaxy" filled with such patrol vessels so that we wouldn't worry about getting raided again. (If anyone attempts to raid, not only is the raiding fleet destroyed, the resources plus the debris of the attackers get returned to the victims.)

However, any attack fleet that originates FROM Galaxy 10 to attack and raid on other galaxies' planets, would be welcome to. The police-ships wouldn't mind, and neither would I.

Edited ~ Cypher

Re: What are the safest systems in X-TREME?

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 3:23 am
by Russell
Asheron wrote:---- is a spacefaring game and they have high-security systems that are patrolled by the NPC "CONCORD" Police ships.

I wish there'd be a Galaxy 10 that would be designated a special "safe galaxy" filled with such patrol vessels so that we wouldn't worry about getting raided again. (If anyone attempts to raid, not only is the raiding fleet destroyed, the resources plus the debris of the attackers get returned to the victims.)

However, any attack fleet that originates FROM Galaxy 10 to attack and raid on other galaxies' planets, would be welcome to. The police-ships wouldn't mind, and neither would I.

How would this be fair to players who have planets outside of that galaxy? They would get attacked and be unable to retaliate, because if they try to attack back, their fleet will be destroyed by "The Police".

If you are tired of getting raided and are looking to redistribute your planets, I have two suggestions.

1. Decluster your planets. If all your planets are all bunched together, it makes you an extremely easy target for resources.

2. Fleet save your ships! Every time before you log off, gather all your ships and resources and launch them on a flight set to return when you come back. The less profit people see, the less likely they'll spend time and deut to attack.

P.S. It is not allowed to talk of other browser games

Re: What are the safest systems in X-TREME?

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:27 am
by Asheron
Russell and Cypher, "3\/3 0/\1i/\3" is NOT, I repeat, NOT a "browser-based" game. It is a game you download and install to play. Typically, it takes the full screen but you might get to put it in a window if you try hard enough.

What is the big, FEDERAL, case about mentioning other games' names anyway? On a Freenode IRC channel, I can mention "Windows" in an Apple chat channel, and vice-versa. If they don't mind, why does this place need to?

Besides, it's a superficial 1st-world problem anyway. We've got bigger fish to fry.

Also, Russell, everyone would get to have planets in Galaxy 10. The only way the victims would get to attack back is when the raiding ships are still in the galaxy they attack in, not within the borders of Galaxy 10.

As for "declustering" my planets, how do I MOVE my planets? At least in "0g4/\/\3" (self-censored, like that other game's name), we get to spend "dark matter" to move planets to new locations, so why shouldn't we spend rubies to move our planets too?

Re: What are the safest systems in X-TREME?

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:23 am
by SPY
Before you start commenting any farther lemme give you a tip... or rather a rule of thumb to follow when thinking about ZE as a game and how to better it...


THIS .... IS .... SPAR'... ok ITS ZorgEmpire!!!

the reason why so many players stick to this game is because it is different from most of the other games and with its limitations and allowances the game dynamics is alot more challenging that other games or its rigidity helps u to get a better planning mind set to play the game...

this is not monopoly board game bro that u feel like changing planets and change it on the whim... placing a planet takes way more thinking in ze than other games. so keep that in mind.

and about your question... you can not shift planets. You can destroy your planet (except for your home planet the first one you were given to start with) and colonize a new one at a different coordinate.

Re: What are the safest systems in X-TREME?

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 6:54 pm
by DrLot
I'll state the obvious elephant in the room. There are NO Safe Systems in any galaxy. Every system is within range of the best raiders. We have moon jumpgates positioned in such a manner so to be able to put a fleet within 100 systems of any planet in the universe in 15-30 minutes.

Clear the resources off your planets EVERY day, and I do mean EVERY day. If you have one days worht of resources on a planet and it is worthwhile to hit it, even if there is minimal deuterium profit then it will be hit.

My decision for raiding is based on profit on the 1/2/4 ratio. So even if I spend more deuterium than I would gain back from the raid, it is quite possible I would launch anyway if there is sufficient Metal and Crystal to make up the difference.

Keep the resources off the planet and build enough plasma and lasers to make it too expensive to launch the battle cruisers necessary to punch through.

Re: What are the safest systems in X-TREME?

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 2:23 am
by rava
how about change the way u thinking

if u are top fleeter and have someone in this " safe galaxy"
he can attack u but when u attack him , ur fleet gone like a wind because ur fleet crush by this " police "
how u feel?
unfair or this is still fair ?

countless advice we give u
but seems u didnt want to read and learn