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Vacation mode has been turned on......

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 1:06 am
by RejectRagDoll
Vacation mode has been turned on...

For ones that don't know. I am taking a MUCH needed vacation away from the game. Which means the game and chat and more so the forum. What I am hoping for is that the drama as died down some which I know is just me wishful hoping. lol. Honestly I don't understand how a bunch of GROWN ups can fight over a game. LOL. Real life is becoming more demanding of me so this makes this even easier to do. For ones that have not seen. I am no longer in RAWK. I already miss the guys and gal from there. But I thought with me leaving for a while and not sure how things will be when I come back that I would go NOMAD for a while before and after my return. Which YES will be a return. I wont lie. It will be hard after a week LMFAO. But it's because I love playing this game. I may pop on the forum to keep an update on things so I dont get behind. For the ones that have my facebook or number I will still have these things lol but since this is not a good bye just a I will see you guys SOON! lol

People I will miss A LOT: Glenn, Gale, Rob, Josh, Jay, Mark, Eric, John, Chris, Don and you might wonder why i used first name. Because I know them and ha well Leaves people guessing who is who and why I would miss them and also I know I left some out. lol Sorry.

Forgot my harry! Cant leave him out

Waves bye...FYI tonight will be my last night in chat :(

Re: Vacation mode has been turned on......

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 1:34 am
by SilverTB
Bye Rag. Hope you have a fun vacation.

Re: Vacation mode has been turned on......

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 1:45 am
by RejectRagDoll
yes Silver I am going to miss you too! LOL Not much of a vacation lol

Re: Vacation mode has been turned on......

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 1:50 am
by Gogetass4
bye amanda
enjoy ur v :)

Re: Vacation mode has been turned on......

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 2:11 am
by Doomrager
Dang Amanda its going to be quite. Oh well between you and gale what can we talk about. At least we still have sloth and Divine.

Re: Vacation mode has been turned on......

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 2:37 am
by RejectRagDoll
lol Now now I am sure you guys will have tons of fun in chat without me lol

Re: Vacation mode has been turned on......

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 11:07 pm
by Desert_Reaper
Lol you know you can't stay away when I'm still here :P

Re: Vacation mode has been turned on......

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 2:17 am
by Therapist
Hope you get the time you are looking for so that you can get everything in order in a timely manner

Re: Vacation mode has been turned on......

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 2:42 am
by MegaMedes
Woot Woot...I was mentioned first...before Rob...I AM a GOD...*does his little happy dance*

Re: Vacation mode has been turned on......

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 7:37 pm
by RejectRagDoll