Quality over Quantity


I am a relative newb, but I believe that I have a valid opinion on the following matter.

There has been discussion lately regarding the growth of the Zorg Empire player base, but I do not believe that this should be the primary concern. Growth is obviously important, but I believe that the quality of game play and the quality of the players are paramount.

This type of game- a browser based strategy game- will NEVER have mass appeal. There will always be a very, very small segment of the population interested in playing this type of game, but never a large portion. I believe that instead of trying to have mass appeal, it is more important to cater to the known target audience and to ensure that Zorg Empire offers a very engaging experience to those who have always enjoyed this type of game and will be very active in it. I have played games like this since Earth 2025 and I think that this game has tremendous potential- I just think that Zorg Empire needs to constantly innovate its offerings (more tech, ships etc) and make sure that its interface and usability are the best bar none.

Feedback/discussion/criticism/praise/etc are greatly appreciated.

Re: Quality over Quantity

LG + EC + ZP + a purpose to Grav 2. I don't agree with the implementation of all of them, however the admins are obviously looking to distance this game from others and cater to the playerbase already from the simple fact that so many changes have occured recently such as these.
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