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Is Zorg Empire really going in the right Direction?

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:28 am
by Deleted User
This is for your own opinions and where you think Zorg fits in your world.

Ok so im struggling to really see how Zorg plays as a game at the moment. Yes we are gaining new servers but doesn’t this just worsen the current problem in the main server in Extreme because it was quiet and instead of concentrating on gaining more players it seems to be letting them run off to other servers and spreading the players thin.

Ok so isn’t this meant to be a war game, all I see around me Is miners, Turtles, people just doing research, where are your fleets. Players seem to think that if you build a fleet a bigger player will just take it which isn’t true. There are many fleets out there who are just fine and continue great battles; ACS attack has come out and no one is using it at all, which indicates people are just happy building and mining.
I have also noticed how many players complain when they are attacked. Please this is a war game you are meant to be attacked and know how to defend yourself, its all about learning how to play the game.

Im just interested in your own thoughts not disagreeing or agreeing with mine, I just want to see the thoughts on the game status currently in Extreme.

Re: Is Zorg Empire really going in the right Direction?

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 12:09 pm
I actually have to say that I think ZE is moving in the right direction. Before I had ended up moving there was quite a lack of administration involvement in the game and virtually nothing that was promised was being implemented. However, before I came back the implementations began, Player profiles, ACS attack, the introduction of a new universe, hourly updates in the rankings, the fixing of several bugs ranging from the moon destroy bug to the alliance rankings bug etc, an updated battle simulator and improved forums.

There are still some things that are not fixed yet in my opinion and since this thread I assume is about voicing our concerns, here are mine:

1) As always number one for me, the battle engine. Then again, this is not a new thing to hear from me, and perhaps I can make a few CRs later to show just how bad the engine is, yet then again even a terribly random RF does add some excitement and I have to admit the random fire on that could have happened to me on the Apocalypse hit was quite fun risk...

2) The Profit Button. By this I mean the rips and deuterium consumption. There is already a thread on this.


3) Vacation mode not allowed with a fleet in the air or production being made. Everything about this rule agitates me. Not only can players not hide their fleet when entering vacation mode, but rather, one hell of a great player lost his fleet not because of skill, but because of this ridiculous rule change:


To make it worse in my opinion is the fact that the VAST majority of players voted that you SHOULD be able to v-mode with fleet in the air and the poll was dis-regarded:


To this I am not attempting to bait anyone either, but rather voice my concerns. I came back to this game because it is going in the right direction and it is as a result of great player suggestions and an excellent increase in admin involvement, but it is taking a slightly bumpy road there to the promise land.

Re: Is Zorg Empire really going in the right Direction?

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 2:59 pm
by Istalris
Have to agree with Kick here, ZE has never been moving as strongly forward as it is now. However, yes there are still a variety of issues that need to be dealt with. Primarily among them these polls, the administration says they take player advice into account, and yet still disregard polls where it is blatantly obvious what the playerbase wants. If you aren't going to listen to us, don't make polls.

Fishpond, I agree with some of your post, but mostly I think it is biased. People mine and turtle because they want to, you are wrong about it being a war game, it is an empire simulation game. If the only thing in it was war, there wouldn't be mines or research. The situation you describe in Xtreme will always be that way because the majority of the playerbase there complains about people dominating the top but refuse to do anything about it. The top players could quite easily be crashed since they never fleetsave and there is more than enough lower fleets to ACS them.

So the problems you describe are player related and not to do with the game quality, people just don't like to do things themselves I guess.

Re: Is Zorg Empire really going in the right Direction?

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:01 pm
by Deleted User
Great posts.

Re: Is Zorg Empire really going in the right Direction?

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 7:51 pm
by ALK_
I think that Zorg is moving in the right direction, especially these new ships/defenses which will definately spice things up as far as battles go. I have a feeling that the more crowded the universe gets, the more likely it is to explode into some good wars. I have a feeling that once the new innovations shake things up and as more people get stronger, we could be looking at some more wars on our hands, which would be interesting.

Re: Is Zorg Empire really going in the right Direction?

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:15 pm
by Cazzo
This game genre (build an empire, simple coordinates) has been sucked out to death. New features wont stop this trend and to be honest: ACS attack was a common standard feature everywhere else years ago. These new features will keep some existing players but rarely attract new ones.

Look at standard universe. With no ACS attack and the new speed uni, it has been killed in a very short time. Player base has spread out and worked like a thinner on the existing unis. Zorg should work on a total new game idea for the future and not punch on a dead horse.

Re: Is Zorg Empire really going in the right Direction?

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:13 pm
by pupairo12
Fishpond, as to your post about miners. I feel building points are the easiest to keep. Also, if a miner has high enough mine, and enough experience, they could turn into a fleeter anytime they wanted to. I do think zorg is moving in the right direction, I know Xtreme is thinning, many are going into V-mode, but just hit them when they forget to turn it back on when they come out. Anyway, this game has the best forum on the internet, and I learned all of the basics of this game in a matter of hours thanks to the players that invested their knowledge in the forums. I also agree with ALK, just wait until everyone gets stronger and spices it up with the new ships.

Re: Is Zorg Empire really going in the right Direction?

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 11:11 pm
by xxxx
TheLegendFishpond wrote:This is for your own opinions and where you think Zorg fits in your world.

Ok so im struggling to really see how Zorg plays as a game at the moment. Yes we are gaining new servers but doesn’t this just worsen the current problem in the main server in Extreme because it was quiet and instead of concentrating on gaining more players it seems to be letting them run off to other servers and spreading the players thin.

Ok so isn’t this meant to be a war game, all I see around me Is miners, Turtles, people just doing research, where are your fleets. Players seem to think that if you build a fleet a bigger player will just take it which isn’t true. There are many fleets out there who are just fine and continue great battles; ACS attack has come out and no one is using it at all, which indicates people are just happy building and mining.
I have also noticed how many players complain when they are attacked. Please this is a war game you are meant to be attacked and know how to defend yourself, its all about learning how to play the game.

Im just interested in your own thoughts not disagreeing or agreeing with mine, I just want to see the thoughts on the game status currently in Extreme.

I think ya its true, people wanna go to new servers where acs is implemented before huge junk yard fleets could be built. And Id say alot of your ideas like vmode doesnt help with more wanting to play or even fleet anymore. IMO game has gone downhill mainly to some of your ideas thats been implemented, keep em coming and getting them implemented soon youll find yourself in extreme server playing with yourselve :whistle:

Re: Is Zorg Empire really going in the right Direction?

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 6:37 pm
by Torgard
There have been many enhancements to the game that I like. The only thing I am concerned with, is the sense that making war is no longer a viable solution in this game. The game has become too passive and I feel that the player base scorns the Fleeters because they do not want to fleet save properly and leave resources on their planets. Then complain when a fleeter comes by and relieves them of the ships and resources.

This is just my opinion so don't hate me for my input. ;)

Re: Is Zorg Empire really going in the right Direction?

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 7:00 pm
by Istalris
I don't think it's entirely just that that makes people scorn the fleeters, but yes it is a little unfair that they get the flame when in fact it is the games fault and not theirs. The simple fact is that established fleeters here have it a fairly excessive amount easier to maintain and expand their fleets than in similar games. Again, it's not their fault, just the way the game has been set up and patched over time. The sad reality is though - the situation(s) are too far past the point of no return for anything to be done about them. That's not just something that can be solved by players growing some stones and banding together to take down the top (which can be done as well as any other), but the combination of various different fixes, features and game mechanics that have made the balance between styles become too unstable.

As for the war thing, nothing has dramatically changed about the way war is executed since the game began, people are just not always aware of their rights. Game passiveness should never be related to the fact one alliance can't just declare war on someone they don't like and bash them into dust. Wars should be, in a sense, aggressive agreements between two parties, not aggression against someone that does not want it. If you think about it, there would be no need for the bashing rule to exist if wars became as easy and laid back as you no doubt imply.

I know, there will be many people who disagree with my opinion, but that's that. I don't mean to start a flame war or anything, just wanted to get a point across. :)