checkin the bashing rule

i know its 5 times a day thing BUT is that per planet or per owner..i.e so and so has 21 planets..can i smack em all 5 times in a 24 hour period?

Forrest Gump: My momma always said, "Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."

Re: checkin the bashing rule

Bobrox2000 wrote:what happens if you go over five? or will it not let you.
If the bash-ee complains and their complaint is verified, you go on the admins' naughty list. Which probably means you get a temporary ban for a few days, unless you simply get banned outright.

A temp ban is not a good thing because somebody's going to take advantage of your being unable to log in and crash and farm you.

Best just not to go over 5 times.
I got the rationale of a New York cop
I got the patience of a chopping block