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Trade of resources for SPY report on any player or alliance

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 4:33 pm
by SPY
Wondering if it is allowed to provide spy reports on basis of sale per resource. Is it allowed?

Re: Trade of resources for SPY report on any player or allia

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 8:17 pm
by Venatores
Um, I'm not sure..

But why would you want someone else to spy for you? Being esped is part of the game- people hardly take offense.

Re: Trade of resources for SPY report on any player or allia

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 5:41 pm
by bobw63
As paying for information or esp. reports in resources are not specifically sanctioned, one can imagine that it could run afoul of pushing/pulling rules. I have seen a method often used by higher level players for paying off spies/informants – pre-arranged resource abandonment. I am not saying that method is officially accepted, just universally unenforced or unenforceable.

Rubies cannot be intercepted and are more private. Also, as it also helps pay the bills for the game, I would guess less likely to be a problem unless overly abused. I am not qualified to say that method is officially accepted either. Just an observation.

On the why you would want to have someone else esp. a planet – I have been asked to esp. a potential target for another player to keep that player’s identity and intentions unknown by the target. Waste of time on that one. After all, knowing who is after you is half of the fun.