Player Zorgon1 Place 26 attack the small ones rank 475

I hope that Zorgon 1 are well aften attacking mee 5 times in 24 huers and destroyed all of my fleet taking all the res. he can. I hope he is proud of him self, beacuse now I are leaving this great game, I have no problems whit beeing attack but this is not all rigth, I dont get time to rebuild so i can defend myself. I take some days i VM to find out if I want to keep on playing, and Zorgon1 has alsoo gone into VM. He is not respnding my mess. to him and that is also not allrigth.

Re: Player Zorgon1 Place 26 attack the small ones rank 475

I am not oppset and I know of FS. I arote nicly to him and asked him off he want me to quit the game. I know tha hee has a scanner, besuse ysterday he attacked my homecomming fleet at hit me 2 sec. after my 3 attack come home. today he hit mee 20 sek after my fleet come home from FS. I am familyar whit this kind of games i also pray ×××, so I know what it is about.

Please don't talk about other games. ~Weresloth

Re: Player Zorgon1 Place 26 attack the small ones rank 475

but strange he went into VM 10 - 20 min. after i have done it. Yes a moon can help and i got one now, so maby i keep on playing. As I wrote I have no prob. whit beeing attacked but i find his way of attacking wery strange because he does not give me time to rebuild. I am also playing in ××× and there we dont attack more than 2 times and then wait up too a week before we attack agin, so that the looser can get on his feet agin

Re: Player Zorgon1 Place 26 attack the small ones rank 475

lol, chill mate, i know for a fact that he was planning on giving you advice and offer assistance to you depending on your responce, heck he was even going to offer you moon shots to get you up and running again :)

He also said that you was good even with out a moon as you had evaded him several times before........
There is know reason to quit just know, talk to him and then maybe you can help each other :)

Oh and he was planning on going to V mode before he seen you, Zorgon went into V mode just after he launched

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