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Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 12:15 am
by Ree2
Oh LOL well, Id would be bored still, But I get bored easlily when there is no longer a challenge, already getting there as fleets seem rare to find, everyone turtles up now. and good point about the excess resources after capping out, tho I would hope it would mean more battles and having to use them to make ships all the time, my thought was to make it more competitive to make more fleeters, thats where the resources would be used I guess, anyways thanks for the answers

Re: For Gumppy and VVV, and others that fit topic

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 1:33 am
by Bobrox2000
Ree2 wrote:Is the game really this fun to keep playing with GOD status? Yes. Otherwise he would quit.
Would you be willing to give up this GOD status for a overhaul in the game to keep the game competitive? I would say no. Cause that is pretty retarded. Would you give us your whole game so i could have a boost in points? I think not.
The suggestion I bring is, a cap on fleet numbers, and defense, with defenses being higher to either have to IPM through enough for fleet to get through, and/or the ACS attack working together to get through.Not a good idea at all.

Re: For Gumppy and VVV, and others that fit topic

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 2:23 am
by Shandris
in all honesty, even if gump started again he would be at the top given time again, the good players are going to be no matter what you throw at them

also, i think you are mislead about acs attack, you cant use it to destroy moons you normally couldnt alone because destroy is a completely different mission to attack...

about the defense/fleet number cap... what do you do with resources once you have your stuff capped and mines/research at levels it becomes almost impossible to buy the next one?

Re: Oh

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 3:32 am
by kuddlez17
i feel you may not have that great of an understanding of "God Status" ree because i would picture it as more of a challenge than rising through the ranks of a lower ranking player. now i dont have much experience as a raider but what you'll notice is as ur rank gets higher you're forced to target higher ranking player that actually know what they're doing in the game and are constantly on alert to people like gumppy and other members of VVV and you have to watch out for other players who are also waiting for someone higher than themselves to mess up so that they can cash in big time on that mistake.
so i said all that to say this no i dont think "God Status" would be boring and i dont think that ACS Attack will only benefit the strong.

Re: Oh

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 6:46 am
by -Death-
1st for the record you do not have to edit your original post once others have responded..the only time you need to edit is if no one responds and ..correct me if i am wrong anyone 30 days has passed.

2nd no i do not consider myself a god..just a man with a lot of..well everything!

3rd i have seen many greats come and go and they did not have to have had the #1 rank next to their name to have been considered so..Mintaka SoC are obvious but we also had Slash Felix Sirduction Lord_O_War Khan Coolhand to name a few that may have never achieved #1 status but were great players non the less.

4th too many things keep the game challenging to hang it up just yet..overall the player base is getting much smarter and using game mechanics better..but that is what keeps it from being boring..the hunter and the hunted A1 scenerio.When i joined ~V~ back during judgment day it was bitter was a relief to be safe from the 2 fleets ahead of me at the time..but also took some of the luster away.I looked forward to loggin in to see the mass khan SBT SoC the point i was actually bummed if i didn't see em.My many months growing up with RAWK seen some rough times for many of my teammates as they fell prey to ~V~ and that drove me even harder to get where i am now.A probe from Flyfoot got me going even more..took me 6 weeks to make that killer blow on him but it was more than just was proof that no alliance tag can protect you from anyone if that person has the resolve to win thru in the end.When is the end one might ask..whenever you decide it is the obvious answer.
Another 6 weeks passed and LoW went down for what was than #1 hit ..though doesn't register anywhere in top 10 anymore..signs that all games evolve to where this 1 is now.

5 caps are pointless ...if everyone gets to the cap than what do you do:/

it will take someone with the same if not more resolve to get 1 of us but never say never as the saying goes..when all else fails crash your fleet into me!!

Re: Oh

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 11:34 am
by kuddlez17
gumppy wrote: it will take someone with the same if not more resolve to get 1 of us but never say never as the saying goes..when all else fails crash your fleet into me!!
...Or me :D

Re: Oh

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 6:57 pm
by Ree2
Thanks, as your all right

Re: Oh

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 11:11 pm
by UVRays
I think God status can only be acheived by a really comitted player. Someone who plays a majority of their day and takes time to learn how to fleetsave and raid properly.


Re: Oh

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 11:36 pm
by Ree2
Yeah, well this was the original post that started it all, read back to see it was all polite on my part lol People read too much into it and took it as a insult! As I think really is bored. thanks nighthawk, you made my kinkiest fantasies come true! But o well now the most probed player now lol Im not bored anymore And can deal with it, makes it fun for me. Maybe I get crashed, oh well, I will learn from it along with how you did it and become even more resilient and keep truckin on making it harder next time, but Im here, I enjoy the game, I really do and not going away so with that happy hunting It was fun raising hell just saying dumb stuff and watching people respond, but dont want to get banned as I learned the wrong sounding fart in this game gets you there, specially when it goes upwind lol So put a lolly pop in your mouth and suck on that