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The ZE Newsletter [Version 1 - by atlervetok]

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 12:24 am
by atlervetok
volum 1

yes the news of has promised to be an interesting day in the Zorgempire universe.
why u ask??
i will tell u why,a war has been declared between CoFH and AoD,both strong alliances.
rumors have been that CoFH wants there revenge after there defeat under their former leader eclipse55 who now has become inactive.
it is indeed a noble thing to want to revenge a fallen leader.
this war promises to be a long and tiring war many participants have already signed up to be a mercenary for both sides.
the mighty fleets of the warring adversaries will crash with enemy defenses skill and producing speed will be of the essence.

these are some interviews with some of the players of Zorg empire.

my interview with shandris

question:what do u think of the cofh vs aod war?

reply:i don't really have an opinion for me its just an excuse to do more damage

question:who do u think is going to win this war?

reply:i cant really say,both sides make a really good chance,but if i should have to chose i would chose AoD,because CoFH has only one or two good points those can be chrushed and leave CoFh with nothing

question:wich players in the two alliances u respect the most?

reply:adassa is the only member of AoD i speak with and also the reason i take part in this war and for CoFH it would be skirmish he has skills

question:what reason do u suspect started this war??

reply;i have no idea,i know nothing of their history and neither want to know it lol

question:how long do u think this war is going to last?

reply:i have no idea

Re: the ZE newletter

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 12:24 am
by atlervetok
my interview with gumppy

question:what do u think of the cofh vs aod war?

reply:although wars never settle anything ...they do spice things up a bit for those involved..even if its for a short time as it gives game some direction

question:who do u think is going to win this war?

reply:i'll cheer for the under dog in CoFH

question:wich players in the two alliances u respect the most?

reply:all fun respectable folk

question:what reason do u suspect started this war??

reply:i think the war is being waged because Adassa flashed comettail some skin..and slayer jumped in and flexed his 'thats my women' muscle.In turn Comet said i'll show you and your clan..and i'm taking your women whether you like it or with most wars this one was started over a women!

question:how long do u think this war is going to last?

reply: Till Comet gets what he has longed for

can we tell which is the current slayer future comet and which is adassa

my interview with fishpond

question:what do u think of the cofh vs aod war?

reply:i think it is stupid CoFH declares war and then both sides beg other ranked players from different alliances to help them.

question:who do u think is going to win this war?

reply:CoFH,PK will do it alone,he is awesome!

question:wich players in the two alliances u respect the most?

reply:i have lost respect for both Adassa and Comet for calling people in...,so the two people i respect most are the mercenaries Pk and Shandris

question:what reason do u suspect started this war??

reply:as comet claimes he was called weak (wich he is) and i am guessing he just fancied a war

question:how long do u think this war is going to last?

reply: about a week

Re: the ZE newletter

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 12:26 am
by atlervetok
my interview with NocturnalK

question:what do u think of the cofh vs aod war?

reply:it gona be fun. plan and simple gaming

question:who do u think is going to win this war?

reply:the mers, let be honest - the VVV mercs are going to provide the biggest kills. I would put my money on the AoD though

question:wich players in the two alliances u respect the most?

reply:AoD - the CoFH leader comes across as arogant and just looking for conflict

question:what reason do u suspect started this war??

reply:historical events between the CoFH/TDY and the AoD/Jaffa war - CoFH has a chip on there sholder

question:how long do u think this war is going to last?

reply:a week at most - there is not going to be much left of the CoFH

my interview with pkromm

question:what do u think of the cofh vs aod war?

reply:Any war in RL is bad, but here is just a way to heat up the blood and start thinking , as the game started to be boring.

question:who do u think is going to win this war?

reply:The winner will be the one which the members does not hide behind vacation, in other words the bravest will win

question:wich players in the two alliances u respect the most?

reply:All of them when they are active

question:what reason do u suspect started this war??


question:how long do u think this war is going to last?

reply:Could last for long time, but i believe a couple of weeks

my interview with skirmish

question:what do u think of the cofh vs aod war?

reply:I think its going to be a interesting war.

question:who do u think is going to win this war?

reply:CoFH Because we have spies in AoD, AoH, and jaffa. You got to love sleepers. lol.......Or am I just kidding around. Something to think about now is in it.

question:which players in the two alliances u respect the most?

reply;Respect is earned. I respect all members of CoFH and the merc's on both sides.

question:what reason do u suspect started this war??

reply;No comment

question:how long do u think this war is going to last?

reply:I don't know. Its hard to tell.

u read it people this war promises to be good :)
this was atlervetok with the ZE newsletter

(srry for the tripple post)

Re: the ZE newletter

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 4:25 am
by OrionRising
I would just like to add my thoughts here...

Reasons the war started:

1. Boredom... i have to say this is true.
2. The whole you are in a weak alliance thing.
How long will this war last?

Trust me... this will last more than a week.

And like skirmish says... the alliance who doesn't use v-mode to escape a battle will win.

Re: the ZE newletter

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 4:53 am
by Lightning
Great stuff, guys. Keep it current and updated!


Re: the ZE newletter

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 5:18 am
by djmanj
wait a minute.. If eclipse losing face and going inactive is one of the reasons shouldn i also be one of cofh s target.?

Re: the ZE newletter

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 6:24 am
by -Death-
comettail27 wrote:I would just like to add my thoughts here...

Reasons the war started:

1. Boredom... i have to say this is true.
2. The whole you are in a weak alliance thing.
How long will this war last?

Trust me... this will last more than a week.

And like skirmish says... the alliance who doesn't use v-mode to escape a battle will win.
you know it's because you took 1 look at Adassa and had to have her for yourself :P

Re: the ZE newletter

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 6:30 am
by Weresloth
Erm. Gale... Stickied.

Re: the ZE newletter

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 7:23 am
by atlervetok
i was trying to have some subjectivf interviews and keep the questions as neutral as possible
this represent in no way my own opinion
just to get that straight

Re: the ZE newletter

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 12:46 pm
by Deleted User
my interview with NocturnalK

question:wich players in the two alliances u respect the most?

reply:AoD - the CoFH leader comes across as arogant and just looking for conflict
Did you even read the question!!! lol